Be sure to check out my guest post at Then Heather Said in her “More Than” series!!!
HAPPY FRIDAY!!! I am so glad it’s the weekend! I know I wasn’t at work yesterday, but turns out it’s hard work letting a scared puppy out to painfully use the bathroom every 20 minutes. Being a fur-mom is hard!
Yesterday in the midst of mentally planning dinner I made pecan pie bars for work treats:
They’re AMAZING, and I used this recipe, but made sure to double the pie part since I was making them and that’s just how I roll! They’re so good…I had a bite of Nate’s piece this morning and will likely be getting my own darn piece soon 🙂 While these were baking I did my workouts that I listed on the HPJ page. That Whittle Your Middle mess from Oh She Glows is HARD! ‘Specially after you just finished doing the harder version of the exercises in 30-Day Shred…but the great news is I did it all and I felt incredible…invincible even! Thanks Angela!
Dinner was Tortellini Primavera from Eating Well:
I made some meatballs for Nate based on Ashley’s meatball recipe, but I was feeling left out! So I warmed up a Morningstar Farms Tomato Basil burger and cut it up for my “meatballs.” I didn’t try the real ones, but they smelled amazing. When I was cleaning up the kitchen I was SO CLOSE to just popping one in my mouth…that’s OK, right? Just one? NO! I made a vow for Lent, and I am glad to say I kept it…with a lot of prayer though! I tried to get a little fancy for dessert:
It’s the last of our low-fat vanilla bean ice cream with about 1/3 of a cup of chocolate chips melted with a tsp of butter. Turns out this does NOT keep the chocolate creamy, so it hardened up on top of the ice cream pretty much instantly. OOPS! Still tasted good though 🙂
I woke up early-ish this morning to do Day 2 of Whittle Your Middle and some yoga…lots of floor work today, but I feel very relaxed and rejuvenated already 🙂 Breakfast was another black bean burger! I was planning on topping it with an egg (Christie said it was good that way!), but I was running late and therefore did not:
And a nice cup of tea to start the day off right 🙂
Thanks so much for all of your sweet comments about hoping Keira’s feeling better! She was pretty down and out yesterday, but doing much better today! She even slept through the night with no problem…hurray! I’m so excited about 3 things in particular:
- Our friends Jason & Stephanie found out they’re pregnant!!!!! This is a huge deal because they’ve been trying for 5 years, and found out yesterday that they’re now expecting! There were a lot of happy tears and lots of praising God 🙂
- I wrote my first guest post on Then Heather Said. She said I had swagger. I was excited 🙂
- We’re (hopefully!) going to ski Winter Park tomorrow! Apparently their base is now 10 inches more than what it was the last time we were there, and it’s been snowing the past 7 days. Yay for skiing!
What are you happy or excited about today? If you can’t think of anything, what are your weekend plans? We’re going to celebrate with Jason & Steph no matter what tomorrow night and I’m so incredibly excited! I’m going to be a friend-who-calls-herself-an-aunt! 🙂
I often use the chocolate chip trick for ice cream…recently I have found a bit of milk, a splash of vanilla and a squirt of honey prevents it from becoming super hard….it isn’t same as hot fudge, but it is pretty good!
That is wonderful news regarding your friends.
I hope you had a great time @ WP!!!
That tortellini looks awesome!!!!!
Glad your little one is feeling better, I hate when min is not feeling well.
I wasn’t able to comment on your guest post for some reason, but great read. What’s your glamorous Twitter pic from? =]
Congrats to your friends!!!
Angela’s WMMII is HARD!! But it is SO effective. I saw results, big time. It’s a great core workout.
Your meals sound fantastic.. per usual!
What makes me happy at the moment? My life 😀 Life is good.
Hi! I recently found your blog and then lost it. I was so excited to find you and your blog. Found you from reading comments at Angela’s page. 🙂 I, then, forgot to add you to my bloglist and was a sad sap. LOL Then I remembered where I found ya and was all smiles. Love the blog, girl! You rock! I’m going to add you to my blogroll on my page. I’ve been “under-construction” lately as life hasn’t led me to posting often enough. Hopefully I’ll be back in the groove soon. Anyway – keep it up! You rock! I live in Dallas and wanted to go to Tech way back when so there was a little personal connection to your blog amongst reading so many others from lands far far away….you know, like Canada. Ha!
Take Care!
I’m excited about date night with my boyfriend!
That pasta, and that dessert – wow!! And your pictures are excellent!!
I have some parties this weekend with friends 🙂 Should be fun!!
Those pecan bars look so good! You make the best meals from Eating Well…I need to look into those!
Those pecan pie bars look Excellent work on resisting the meatballs–I’ve made Ashley’s recipe as well, and I know the delish smell. Keep up the good work on no meat in Lent!
oh those pecan pie bars! Must.Not.Crave…fail. I want one! I’m so happy today because I’m off. Had a yummy breakfast, a great walk with a friend and I’m off to a massage! Best day!
I’ve been working on my jewelry/inspirational art website all day and my eyes are starting to go cross. I’m looking forward to the DH getting home to just relax!
know that “I want to pop just one in my mouth so bad” feeling all too well. Nice work letting it pass you by. And Amen.
Glad your little baby is feeling better!
I love sandwich thins. They are my favorite. Great eats. Happy weekend!
I’m excited for a girl date with my BFF tomorrow! Mani, pedis, and Valentine’s Day. WOOT WOOT!
Whew, glad you made it through the temptation- that’s tough since you are still cooking meat but can’t eat it! So happy for your friends and their baby on the way, what wonderful news. Have a great weekend in the mountains!
Oh yeah, and I’m excited that the weather is going to be so nice tomorrow for my long run!
I am happy that I just drank an amazing chocolate and pb shake for breakfast! lol Who knew healthy could be this good! hahaha