Lovely links shares a few of my favorites from around the web this week. Enjoy!
Y’all, when I was a kid (about 5 or 6) I would wake up at about 5am every morning. I would walk across the house to my parents’ room, wake them up, and ask what I should do. Finally they said I could fix a little something to eat and watch a show on TV so that they could sleep longer, so I would go in the kitchen for a slice of cheese and then watch the Disney Channel for 30 minutes. Never did I think that was annoying, never did I think I would one day be my parents. I’m here to tell you that what goes around comes around – ha! Now I have two boys that are waking up at 5:15am, ready to start the day. Do they know that’s basically the only alone time I actually get? Maybe. Do they know that it’s insanely early for kids (anyone, really) to get up that early? Nope. I suppose I had it coming…and I love spending time with them…but dang, mama’s tired!
The only thing that’s making me think this will eventually all work out is that as I got older I of course slept in a little more. Surely since I afforded my parents that luxury my offspring will do the same…right? Fingers crossed and praying it’s so!
Now that I’ve invited into that randomness, the reality is that this is going to be the first weekend in a long time where we will all be together for the whole weekend, and I’m really excited. I’m thinking backyard fire pit, s’mores, getting outside, and generally just having a good time. Here’s hoping your weekend is the same, filled with love and laughter and the ones you love most! Oh, and enjoy these lovely links while you’re at it!
- Thinking about a no-spend challenge. Could you do it?
- I think this is worth sharing – anyone who is ever in anyone else’s home (isn’t that pretty much all of us?) should know what to look for to prevent human trafficking!
- How to block porn on any device for free? I’m looking into it…I hate that my kids are learning how to use computers and could come across anything in a matter of seconds!
- DON’T KISS BABIES THAT AREN’T YOURS. Sorry to shout, but holy moly…just don’t.
- Love Andie for so many reasons, but her vulnerability is a big one. Be gentle with your postpartum bodies ladies!
- 5 steps to meal prep – who else is giddy about this one?!
- Best black basics. I love black (really all neutrals) probably a little too much. These look so cute!
- All over these flourless chocolate cupcakes. YES AND AMEN.
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