Hi there everyone!
Welcome to Heather’s Dish 🙂
When I started blogging about my day to day life, the things I put in my mouth, and the activities that I do, I never really thought that I’d enjoy it as much as I do. However, this amazing community of bloggers has completely and totally blessed me in the support, honesty, and love of healthy living, and I’ve become an addict. That’s right: my name is Heather, and I’m addicted to food blogging. (“Hi Heather!”) As I thought about changing from Blogger to WordPress, there were some things that I really sat down and considered:
- What is my comfort level with growing my blog with Blogger?
- Is it easy to facilitate community on Blogger?
- Am I happy with the name of my blog-site?
When it came down to it, I didn’t really feel that Blogger was for me as far as capacity to grow. Now, that’s not to say AT ALL that it can’t, but I’ve been much more impressed with the WordPress system and the capacity that it has for my growth. Another issue was that I didn’t feel that Blogger was allowing true community among my readers because there were quite a few who couldn’t leave comments, answer questions, etc. WordPress not only makes this much easier, but it helps us all find more bloggers to read about and connect with. Finally, I really wanted to have a domain name of my own. I loved “The Joyful Kitchen” but after much research I found that all avenues even remotely close to that were already taken. I needed to come up with a name that would be easy to remember, convey what the blog is about, and be personalized. Enter “Heather’s Dish: The Story of a Joyful Kitchen.”
I wanted my blog-site to still convey the feeling of joy that comes from living a healthy lifestyle, a joy that I am hoping to continue for many many years to come. I want the story of my life to convey the joy that I’ve found in my faith, my family, and my love of sharing nurishment in the form of food, community, and exercise. My hope is that I would never stray from this path, knowing full well that you all will help keep me going on it even if it gets tough!
That being said, please feel free to check around, update your blogrolls (teehee!!!), and engage with me in the journey of a lifetime!
Heather – Your new blog looks great! Welcome to the WordPress world.
I’ve been enjoying your blog while at Blogger and have updated my reader to keep up with your latest eats.
Hope you don’t mind, I added you to my blogroll. 🙂
not at all! thank you so much 🙂
Hi Heather! I have never read a blog before (at least not consistently) before yours. I love it! How is the knee? And by the way, you totally inspired me with your oatmeal creations for breakfast. I normally don’t like breakfast food, but oatmeal with peanut butter and dried cherries is awesome!
thanks girl! the knee is not so great, but i’m only walking and not running at all now. i was totally the same way about oatmeal until a couple months ago too…just gotta spice it up a little 🙂
Pretty new blog =)
– The Nutrition Nut