WHOA Friday’s here already! I’m not complaining, but this week flew by for me! It’s crazy to me to think that we only have a little less than a month left of school for this year, and BAM! I’ll have a first grader on my hands. Why won’t time slow down already?!
In other news we had a snake in our garage this week. I totally freaked out internally but kept it cool on the outside (mostly), which basically made me feel like a superhero…until I couldn’t go to sleep last night because I was thinking about the dang snake the whole time. The good news is that it was a king snake, so a helpful one, and not one we need to be scared of. But we just aren’t snake people, and as such we’re all a little on edge. Hopefully they’ll figure out they need to stay outside to catch their food…and not inside our garage.
One more thing. A family I don’t even know has been dealing with their son having severe brain damage in a tragic accident this week. They’re in the process of figuring out how they can donate his organs to help other kiddos, and gosh if that isn’t the hardest thing in the world to think about. The whole time they’ve been pointing to Christ, and that has just been super convicting to me because y’all? I wouldn’t want to, and I don’t know if I could. But they are, and even in the midst of this terrible time it’s giving God a platform to change lives.
Let’s make sure our people know they are so very loved. Let’s make sure we’re putting the phones down, turning off the screens, going outside, enjoying life, and being love. Tell ’em you them. I know that’s what I’ll be doing this weekend too!
- Kourtney Kardashian is lobbying on Capitol Hill for safer beauty – when will YOU join this movement? 😉
- I love going barefoot but I’m totally guilty of doing the shoes at home thing. What are some ways you keep shoes from piling up by the door?
- TOTAL MINDSET CHANGE comin’ atcha for the summer, moms. I loved this (and really needed to hear it).
- I could eat this jalapeno queso with a spoon. I may live in Arkansas, but it’ll always be queso to me! (they call it cheese dip here…?)
- So BPA is still in food packaging, and the alternatives could be worse? Can we just do all glass for crying out loud?
- Super proud of (and excited to follow along!) my friend Stephanie and her family’s decision to travel the country in an RV. I totally want to go with them!
- Dying over lasagna hand pies. NOT MAD ABOUT IT.
- What reading looks like for someone who has dyslexia. We could all stand to learn more about what other people go through.
- Screen time studies and how it can change your parenting. Digging into this for the summertime when it’s all too easy to use the screen as a babysitter.
- Let’s just all remember that perfection is boring, and that no one ever needs a perfect mom. Is that a weight off your shoulders?!
Oh girl, thanks so much for your excitement and support of our new crazy adventure. We are looking forward to getting out there and sharing our journey with you! So much love to you, lady. xo