Words cannot even begin to express how thankful I am for my life. Sure, there are ups and downs, but this incredible journey that I’ve been blessed with is worth the ride.
I have the most wonderful parents and little sister who raised me with love, patience, joy, humbleness, and grace. They are the reason I am who I am, and for that I am so thankful.
I married the most perfect man for me in the entire world, one who loves me unconditionally, makes me laugh harder than anyone else, and continues to surprise me every day, and for that I am so thankful.
I have the best friends I’ve ever had in my entire life who surround us every day by their love, laughter, guidance, and prayers, and for that I am so thankful.
I have an outlet to write and YOU amazing people who read my words, something that humbles me to my core. I am so incredibly thankful for you all and the encouragement you provide for me daily.
Most importantly I am so blessed to be a child of God in this world, something that I could never, ever do without. Something that’s more important than butter, sleep, even air. And I could not be more thankful for the sacrifice that He paid so that I could be with Him.
I am very blessed, and for that I am so thankful!
Happy Thanksgiving 2010 everyone, from my family to yours!
Your words are read with grateful eyes and welcomed with warm hearts.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and that we all remain thankful for what God has blessed us with throughout the year.
Happy Thanksgiving, Heather! Thank you for sharing so much with us. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving 🙂
My cup runneth over with blessings and my thanks could never be adequate for what joy I have in my life.
Thanksgiving is a special time for reflecting on the life that each of us has and truly giving thanks to the one who is responsible, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
I appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts and stories and so much more in your blog. You bring joy to many people in your everyday life and then to all of us who follow you on Face Book.
I feel thankful for the exact same things as you…and for maternity stretchy pants. 😉
Beautiful! Happy Thanksgiving girl!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving Heather!
We are thankful for you tooooooooooo!
Have a beautiful holiday!
Happy Thanksgiving, lady! I hope you have a wonderful holiday! 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving Heather! Beautiful photo too:)
Happy Thanksgiving Big SIster!!! Love you!!!