It has been 7 months and counting since I joined Beautycounter. It has been 10 months since I first came to the realization that perhaps – PERHAPS – network marketing could be the answer to a major blogging slump I had been in for over a year.
Heather’s Dish has been in existence for just over 8 years now, and up until my sweet younger son was born it fueled my creativity and helped me to grow and connect in ways I never imagined. I will forever be thankful for everything that blogging has done for me, and I have no intentions to quit now, but if you had asked me 18 months ago my answer might have shocked some of you: I wanted to quit. I wanted to quit BAD.
Much of that was fueled by sleepless nights, demanding children, and a really hard season of adjustment for me. More than anything in the world I want to be the best wife I can be for Nate and the best mother I can be for our children, and at that time I was being pulled in so many different directions that I just couldn’t do it anymore. I knew something needed to change, but I don’t much like quitters, son (name that movie), and so I held on for dear life.
Things got easier, but where still hard, and I was hit with the harsh reality one day of not knowing where I wanted to go with blogging anymore. I believe that blogging is good and wonderful, but if you want to make it into a career it can’t just be blogging anymore – it has now turned into blogging PLUS. Blogging PLUS a book deal. Blogging PLUS a coaching business. Blogging PLUS a product of some kind. Going on and on forever just creating free recipes for the pennies generated by my sidebar ads wasn’t going to cut it, but more than that I didn’t want to do just that. I wanted a blogging PLUS too, but I had no idea what it was.
Around that time my friend Madison was sharing more frequently about her Beautycounter business, and as a customer I couldn’t help but pay attention. I already knew I loved the products, and since we were friends I knew that I could trust what she was saying. She didn’t make network marketing look spammy and gross the way a lot of people have done in the past; she made it look authentic and beautiful. After doing the research I took the jump, and the rest is history!
For those of you considering network marketing for the first time you may feel lost in it all. Which company is best? Which one is a good fit? Which one will yield the best results? I’ll spoil the ending for you: there is no one answer and I believe it fully depends on you. It depends on how much you’re willing to work your business, and that willingness will be determined by your motivation, most commonly known as your “why”. My hope is that these 6 considerations will help you hone in on the network marketing company that works best for you!
- How does it fit into your schedule?
Sit back and see what it takes to work the business – do you need to host get-togethers of some kind? What is that frequency? How much total time is needed to do all of the things that are necessary to grow your business (include strategic time on social media and email)? Does it align with your goals? I would guess that you’re considering network marketing for two reasons: 1) having an extra stream of revenue, and/or 2) being able to pursue some other dream outside of a regular job. When you are looking to increase revenue and decrease the amount of time spent on earning that revenue, make sure you that are considering the amount of time you truly have to dedicate to a new pursuit. It will take a little extra work in the beginning, but it IS worth it! - What is the compensation plan?
Again, let’s be real: there’s a high chance you’re considering a network marketing job in some part for the financial benefit. That’s NOT bad! It is, however, a big piece of what you need to understand before you jump in with a company. To this I would recommend two things: 1) Research the heck out of the compensation plan (Google is your best friend here!), and 2) Ask, ask, ask! Ask friends who sell it what they make, even a range, and be totally honest about being in the research phase. I know when I have friends who ask me I’m totally honest about how much I’ve made monthly. Having a firm understanding of how much you can make and how to make it will set you up for success from the beginning. - What are the mentorship opportunities?
I shared this story the other day and I’ll make it as brief as possible: I had been purchasing products from my friend Madison for a while before I found out my husband’s cousin was a Beautycounter consultant. She is an amazing woman, a fantastic leader, and incredibly smart. There is no doubt in my mind that she would make a great mentor for me. When I was considering the business, though, I knew that I would be using my existing platforms and wanted to have a mentor who could help me capitalize on that plan. At the end of the day it was a business decision (and one that my family member blessed), but I knew that I needed to make. When you’re considering a business I would highly suggest that you not just sign up under your best friend to help her out, or a family member because they’re family. IF your best friend or family member would be a great leader and will truly help you rock your business? GO FOR IT! But make sure you are signing up under someone who has a desire to see you succeed and who will lead accordingly. - What are the requirements?
Do you need to carry on-hand inventory? Do the sales requirements change constantly? How often will you need to be pushing sales or changing up marketing tactics? Are there minimum sales goals? Team minimums? Before you go all in on a network marketing job really hone in on what the minimum requirements are and then decide if they’re doable. Remember, only YOU get to decide if this is something you can do! - What are the growth opportunities?
When I first joined Beautycounter it was, for the most part, a financial choice. I didn’t look past a certain growth point on the compensation plan, but after being part of the company for over 7 months now I see just how far I can take this opportunity and I want to to ride it to the top. I’ve also become inspired to branch out and grow in other ways (coming soon!) but there’s no way I could have done that without seeing just how far a Beautycounter consultant could go. I saw the ways that team leaders were building into their teams, and the growth potential is unlimited. That was something I needed to know – and something you should consider! - Does it serve a larger purpose?
I’m a firm believer that a larger purpose is key to continuing to pushing past limiting beliefs and minor setbacks. When it’s hard for me to face another “no thanks” answer I remember that my larger mission is to educate and advocate for safer skincare for everyone. Not just my circle of friends and family, but for everyone. When I remember that it’s not just about lipstick or trendy clothes or reversing age spots – it’s ultimately about changing the health of our nation – I get the extra oomph to keep going. It will be hard, but look for a company that has a larger, more important purpose at heart!
This list is by no means all-inclusive, but definitely a place to start. My biggest, most important piece of advice though? ASK. Ask people who are involved in the company you’re considering, ask people who used to be and quit. Ask Google, random strangers, anyone you can think of. And then weigh the answers for yourself. The only one who can tell you what to do is you, and the only one who will be doing that work will be you, so make sure you decide based on the things that are important to you!
And, as always, please ask me if you have any questions about Beautycounter!
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