So yesterday the boys woke up from their naps and I was all, “HEY! Let’s go on a walk to our favorite playground and have some FUN!” And then I looked outside and you guys? It was so humid that I could actually see the air. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced that before – have you? I mean, if you can actually see the air because of how saturated it is with water? Seems a little crazy to me.
Needless to say we drove to said playground, blasting the A/C the whole way, and then sweated our tails off while we were there. Such is life in Arkansas this summer, I’m sure.
One of these days I’m thinking we’ll just have to live on a lake somewhere so that when I see the air we can just go jump in the water and call it good. 🙂
Over the past couple weeks I’ve been working with Riceland to amp up some of the recipes on their site, and now they’re up! I can’t wait to share them with you guys, and starting with my favorite one just makes sense. This raspberry lemon dessert is packed with flavor, texture, and is perfectly sweet without being too much so. Just right for summer, and the color alone is reason to make it. You’ll die over that raspberry sauce!
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