Woohoo for being halfway done with this week! I don’t know about y’all, but work has been BUSY for me lately! It makes the time go by slower and faster all at the same time!
I was excited and a little scared for lunch today! You see, last weekend Nate smoked about a quarter ton of pork (hence all of the smoked pork meals lately), more cheese than I could eat in a lifetime (ok, that’s not true), and 2 filets of salmon. Thing is, all we’ve been eating is pork and I didn’t want the salmon to go to waste. SO last night I gave my last portion of pork to our friend Josh, and planned on making SALMON SALAD today!
Now, you must know this about me in order to appreciate this salmon salad: I HATE mayonnaise. There, I said it. I can handle it highly flavored with chipotle and lime, but by itself? Fuhgeddaboudit. So thinking about making a salad with mayo kind of freaked me out. For all of my fellow mayo-haters out there, this one’s for you!
Perfect Simple Salmon Salad (makes 2 servings)
- 2 4-oz filets of salmon, smoked or simply roasted and cooled
- 2 small carrots, chopped
- 1/2 red bell pepper, chopped
- 1 Tbsp mayo (I used an olive oil-based mayo)
- 1.5-2 Tbsp dijon mustard
- all the Old Bay seasoning you can handle (I used about 1/2 Tbsp, but could have used more)
Flake the salmon with a fork. Add chopped veggies and stir together. In a separate bowl stir together the mayo, mustard, and Old Bay seasoning. Pour onto veggies and salmon. Stir together and enjoy!
I served mine on a piece of toasted whole wheat bread with some melted mozzarella and a simple Romaine salad:
Y’all, like I said before, this was AWESOME! I’m so glad I have another serving of it for lunch tomorrow 🙂 Plus, since there’s not a ton of mayo in there, I felt good about eating it too!
Tonight we are having our new friends Drew & Rachael over for dinner, and I’m excited about what I’m going to make. I’ll give you hint: it’s another blogger recipe! I know, I know, that wasn’t a great hint, but I am certainly excited to share it with you all tomorrow morning 🙂
I can’t remember if I’ve asked this before, but what are some foods that you absolutely HATE? It can be anything for any reason! I absolutely despise green bell peppers (can we say BITTER?!), mayonnaise or Miracle Whip (vomit), raw tomatoes (the texture kills me), and water chestnuts (I just got goosebumps in a BAD way thinking about that one)!
100% with you on the mayo!
So funny that you hate mayonnaise 😀 I’ve never heard someone hating it before. I hate (well, I do not hate them anymore but I dislike them most of the time) tomatoes and celery. The funny thing? I eat them both 😀
I really hate Olives…hate with a passion. All types. People always try to make me eat the black olives, saying, Oh but THESE are good olives! NO! No such thing!! Some people say, Oh it’s the saltiness you hate…nope, love salt…hate olives.
That sounds delicious! I’ve actually never had salmon salad.. where have I been?!
I can’t stand bell peppers, any color!!! Well, yellow ones are OK. But yet I love stuffed peppers.. just not the pepper part haha. I also hate water chesnuts and miracle whip… blech.
I DESPISE cottage cheese! More than anything. I also hate fish. GASP! Unless it is raw (aka quality sushi) or fried in fish tacos. Hehe.
For some strange reason, Salmon scares me. I always think I’m going to hate it, but your salmon salad looks delicious. Maybe I’ll have to give it a try!
You don’t like tomatoes or water chestnuts…I am not sure we can be friends anymore! haha! Kidding!! I actually don’t really like asparagus but I eat it because my husband loves it!
I share your feelings on mayo and usually do a 1:1 with yogurt. But that salmon salad looks ah-maz-ing! I can’t handle canned tuna (or any fish really), but some fresh salmon sounds perfect!
I HATE plain white rice. And hot pot. And rice vercimelli noodles…and Chinese herbal medicine. eeeewww…
I don’t like mayo that much, but I hope you get to try Japanese mayo. Those are awesome!
Hi, I’ve just found your blog through Caitlins (HTP) and I can’t wait to read more.
RE foods I hate – fresh coriander (so potent, ewww) is probably my worst herb ever! I also have anythig pickled which is not the best as my bf’s Danish and they love their pickled cucumbers, eggs, herring (ewww!)
omg that salad looks soooo good! I dont really know anything that I absolutely hate…but I rarely crave red meat…not really a fav of mine at all
i HATE CILANTRO! gag me now GAh-Rosss!
Your salad looks delicious, I love salmon and have never made that….I will soon. Foods I hate are sushi and liver….yuck!
I’m completely with you on the mayo hatred. I’ve NEVER liked that stuff. It just tastes disgusting. Ugh. Whenever a recipe calls for mayo, I substitute in Greek yogurt.
Other stuff I hate: anchovies (too salty!), caviar (ditto), whole milk (too thick!), and my grandma’s beet jello salad topped with mayo. She forced me to eat that stuff when I was little.
Horror of horrors. Maybe that’s why I hate mayo so much? Lol.
Yum! I love all the ingredients in this salad!
I can’t think of any foods I hate, but I LOVE salmon! That salad looks delish. 😀
Yuck I hate Miracle Whip too. Have you ever used Greek yogurt in place of mayo? Or some hummus. Both work well with tuna salad or potato salad!
I hate mayo, I am also not a sushi fan, yuck.
OMG I’m with you I HATE miracle whip; I just don’t get how people eat it! Besides that I can’t think of much else I hate……I’m an eater.
I’ve never thought to substitute tuna for salmon. What a great idea!
I’m not a fan of mayo either. I can eat it in very small doses in food. I absolutely HATE mushrooms!
LOVE the taste of miracle whip. I HATE HATE HATE…. nothing. Well, there’s a lot I don’t eat like meat and most seafood but I wouldn’t say I hate it.