When I returned from my time at Allume a few weeks ago I had big plans to make lots of changes to this site and my life. Want to know something though? I haven’t implemented a single one. I hit the ground running when I got back, trying to start living a normal life again, utilizing some new-found energy to actually clean our house and start working out again.
All the new things, new ideas, new thoughts got pushed to the back burner. And the reality is that there’s still, to this day, a lot that I’m still chewing on. Reignited dreams, passions, hopes, and the birth of new ones are all coming to a head, but combined with the ever-approaching day that we meet our second little boy it can all be overwhelming. I never seemed to get why people needed more hours in the day, but now I do. There’s simply not enough time to do it all, to do it all well, and still be able to keep a fairly sane schedule of sleeping and eating as well.
My incredible friend Stephanie is one of the wisest women I know, and she wrote a post last week that really hit home for me. It was about saying “Yes” to the world and not enough “YES” to the things that we’re really called to do. I find myself leading myself down too many roads of yes rather than the road less traveled of only doing the things that matter. It looks different every week, but at the root of it all I’m here to glorify God, to serve Him, and love others. I’m a wife and a mother, my two most important roles on this earth, and a woman who still has room to grow and figure it all out.
So life lately. It’s been crazy and fun and confusing. I get out of breath easily and feel both full and hungry all the time from this pregnancy. Holidays are happening, which always adds an extra component of fun and it’s own brand of crazy to life in general. I have so many things to write and recipes to share, but when it comes down to actually doing it? Somehow I get to bed and never finish any of it. And it’s a season, one that will pass and one that I will look back on with both fondness, and with relief to have moved past it. In the meantime, I want to kick back and do the best I can, crash into bed every night and breathe a sigh of complete thankfulness for this life – the bitter, the sweet, the spicy, all of it.
Love it. I’m struggling with the same thing. And fyi – the link to Stephanie’s awesome post doesn’t work! Hope you are well!
Oh, thanks for pointing that out girl! Should be fixed now 🙂
I think you’re right. We say ‘yes’ to things that other people say yes to because it benefits them, so why wouldn’t it benefit us? We’re not all the same. If you’re feeling the pull to rest, then rest 🙂 The world will still be there when you come back 😉
Much love!