This photo was taken on my front porch with my iPhone in my sweaty workout clothes with the steady sounds of witching hour screaming happening behind me. I need you to know this first and foremost because a) it shows how much I love this chicken recipe, which also shows b) how much I love YOU. I couldn’t wait to photograph it with a nice little backdrop of food photography props, arranging it just so to show off the fresh steam. I had to show you RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW.
You guys, you will LOVE this chicken.
I feel like I should let you know: when you see the ingredients list you will freak out because man alive it seems like a lot of garlic. You’ll question if this is real love or just a food blogger being tricky. Trust me, please, this is legit and the garlic will not be overpowering or spicy. Just make it and you’ll see!
Another note, it may seem like a lot of salt. Trust me again, you’ll want it that way and you won’t need to season the chicken at all. IF you’re watching your sodium and would rather season it after the fact I totally understand – you do you – but I’ve found that this is the perfect amount.
Friends, I can’t wait for you to make this ASAP! It’s basically a food prepper’s dream, by the way, because it will marinate a whole mess of chicken (thighs, breasts, or a mix) at one time. We are set for the week in one fell swoop!
Y’all enjoy!
Marinates about 4-6 pounds of chicken
- 10 cloves fresh garlic, peeled and roughly chopped
- 1/3 cup olive oil
- 1/4 cup lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon kosher salt
- 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
- Combine all ingredients in a high-powered blender or food processor.
- Blend until smooth and creamy.
- Place chicken to be marinated in a large ziplock bag.
- Pour in the marinade.
- Remove the air from the bag and seal, then squish the chicken and marinade around until everything is coated.
- Refrigerate for about 4-6 hours (I haven’t tried overnight; doing it in the morning and then grilling in the afternoon works great for me).
- Grill chicken as desired.
- Enjoy!
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