I’m sure I’ve mentioned it on here a billion times before, but if there’s any kind of forgotten long-lost love in my life, it’s reading. There was a point in life where I would devour several books a week, stopping only for a little air, food and time with family. Otherwise I was lost in worlds that were far away, entwining the words of writers into my own thoughts and vernacular. I believe that my love for reading is what fanned the flame for my love of learning, and I am forever grateful for parents who supported that love in every way they could.
Sadly there has been a decent chunk of time over the past 6 years or so where reading has fallen pretty low on the totem pole for me. Having a job, family, and a love for random TV shows will do that I suppose, and so my first love took a backseat for a while. Lately, though, I have been getting back into reading and just feel so much more rested, even on the days where I stay up super late to finish books. And since this blog is about my life + food I figured it could be fun to share the books I’m reading and loving with y’all more often!
Today I want to start off with a book that was written by a blogging friend of mine right here in Arkansas: Kyran Pittman. I remember the first time I met her I was just blown away by (and this is going to make me sound a little bizarre/uneducated) her amazing vocabulary. She just exuded confidence and intelligence and I literally hung on every word. When I found out she had written a book I went out and bought it immediately: Planting Dandelions. And then guess what I did? I totally forgot about my Kindle and didn’t read anything for months.
HOWEVER. The moment I started reading Kyran’s memoir I was hooked and couldn’t stop. Within a few days (turns out nonstop reading binges aren’t totally possible with a toddler…) I was finished, my face sore from laughter and feeling just so much more connected in this world of mommyhood. Kyran’s style is straight-forward and edgy; she says the things that we’re likely all thinking but just don’t have the guts to say. She’s open about pretty much everything in her life, and while I can’t say I’ve experienced some of the same things, the root of finding out who I am as a woman, a wife and a mother, all in one – well, that I completely relate to.
Planting Dandelions is a fantastic book for any woman to read, and I can honestly say that Kyran is just as cool in real life as she seems on paper. I hope to see more from her soon!
So tell me: what are you reading right now that you’re loving? I need to add more to my reading list (and also maybe build in a budget for books for 2014)!
Our lives seem similar: toddlers, love to read, photography, cooking, blogging, location, boys, I played volleyball and love to get a game in, running…
And I always have a stack. This week it is: Found in Him by Elyse Fitzpatrick, What Did You Expect by Paul Tripp, and Million Little Ways by Emily Freeman
Thanks for pointing us toward good reading material! I’ve been stuck (snow) inside watching way way too much food network! I try to watch most of it while riding my exercise bike 🙂
I used to watch Foodnetwork while I worked out all the time – it’s the perfect workout channel!
Thanks for the review. I’ll have to look into this one. 🙂
I love hearing what other people are reading! I’ve been VERY delinquent in my reading list lately, and I really need to get back in the groove. In fact, I just told my boyfriend two days ago that we need to set aside time to be quiet and read some books! The last book that I couldn’t put down was Before I Go To Sleep (kinda creepy – it’s suspense-ish – but good!).
Thank you for these warm words on such a very cold day! I can so relate to reading going neglected during the “little years,” so I’m especially honored. I wanted the book to be something that could endure all the interruptions of a busy parent’s day. So glad it’s kept you company. xoxo
I’ve actually been reading a lot of young adult fiction lately. I have to keep up with it since I’m a librarian! I absolutely loved the Divergent series, and I recently finished the Ruby Red series. It involves time travel and quirky and lovable teenage heroine. It’s not especially well-written, but it’s a lot of fun!
I just picked up Mile Markers by Kristin Armstrong, and I’m halfway through. I really love the way she ties running to life, and she is incredibly inspirational.
Have you ever read anything by the author Charles Martin? Everything he has written, all three of us have loved. When Crickets Cry is one of them that I especially liked, but any by him is great. Also, the author Francine Rivers is beyond words wonderful. Read the Atonement Child. I had goosebumps through the last third of the book. I could go on and on, but that will start you if you haven’t read anything by these two authors. 🙂