How Personalized Vitamins Helped Me Beat Mid-Day Burnout shares how a real mom, with real needs and a real budget, beat the mid-day burnout using care/of vitamins. The vitamins and protein powder were gifted to me; all opinions are my own.

I think it’s safe to say that if you’re a living, breathing human being then you have probably experienced that mid-day burnout. The clock hits 3pm and it feels like dinner is still decades away. You wish you lived in Europe so you could take a siesta without judgement. A cup of coffee seems like the only way to keep moving forward.
I know it’s not just me. I also know that I’m not down with living 1-2 hours of my day in a state of wishing I could go to sleep.
See, as a work-at-home-mom I just don’t have the option to really stop (unless of course I’m under the weather) for that burnout feeling in the afternoons. I have two adorable boys to love on, multiple businesses to run, a house to keep (sort of) clean, and food to cook. Schedules and homework and after school activities don’t wait until I feel like it, you know what I mean?

The way I see it there are a few options:
1. I can power through.
2. I can drink caffeine that I really don’t need.
3. I can take a nap that will make it hard to sleep later.
4. I can find something that’s good for me and helps me get over the hump.
I don’t know about you guys, but I choose Option #4 every time! Life’s too short to spend it worrying about The Slump – and if I can get over it by doing something good for me then I’m all about it!

Enter Care/of Vitamins! This is a really great service that I can’t say enough good things about, and the best part of all of it is that it’s completely customized to YOU. Personalized vitamins just make sense, and when you combine your specific needs with the quality ingredients from Care/of then you just can’t go wrong!
When I first signed up I took the fun and interactive personalized vitamins quiz on their website. It’s nothing you need to fill out your family’s medical history for, but it’s also thorough enough to make some great recommendations. After about 2-4 minutes you are up and running with great ideas on what your body needs based on what YOU put into the quiz!
My results came in with recommendations for Rhodiola (to beat that burnout), Ashwagandha (for burnout and muscle building/toning), Fish Oil (for heart and brain health), Maca (for burnout), and Plant Protein (for muscle support and recovery). And here’s the deal sis: you can say yes to all the recommendations, you can say no to all of them, or you can just pick and choose what you want to keep. It’s personalized vitamins after all; you’re the boss!

I ended up going with the Ashwagandha, Fish Oil, Magnesium, Astasanthin, and the Chocolate Plant Protein with a blender bottle. I felt like these were a good mix of the recommendations plus a few things I was interested in trying as well! And I love that as my schedule and the seasons and my body’s needs change, I can change up my Care/of order as well.
So here’s the schedule that really has helped me quite a bit over the past couple weeks with beating that burnout. I usually eat my first meal of the day around 12pm, which means that at about 3pm I start to get hangry + tired. The first thing I do is grab a huge bottle of water and my vitamin pack, and take those vitamins while rehydrating really well. Next I fill my blender bottle with a little more water (or cold decaf coffee if I remembered to make some earlier in the day). I add a scoop of the Chocolate Plant Protein powder, a dash of cinnamon, a couple drops of vanilla extract, and shake to blend it all together. It’s just the right amount of nutrition to help me get over that burned-out tired hump, and sets me up for an evening of feeling energized and not buzzing from caffeine!
I went into this process a little unsure of what personalized vitamins could do for me, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised and happy with the results. If you’d like to try personalizing your vitamins and supplements I can’t recommend Care/of enough – and they have so graciously offered you guys 25% off to try them! Just click here to take the quiz, and enter the code HEATHERSDISH25 at checkout. The come back here and tell me what all you ordered!
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