Better Beauty: Feminine Hygiene Can Do Better explores how many of the products marketed to women are actually packed with harmful ingredients. We can do better!

Did you know that there are ingredients in your feminine hygiene products?
Before I jump in let me say something to the handful of men who are here: don’t run away because I’m talking about feminine hygiene. Chances are you know and love a woman – wife, girlfriend, sister, mom, friend – who may need to know this! Share this post with them (using any of the social media buttons at the top, or just emailing them this link)!
There are a number of scary ingredients found in traditional feminine hygiene products, but tampon and sanitary pad manufacturers aren’t required to disclose ingredients because feminine hygiene products are considered “medical devices.” Hormone disruption, cancer, reproductive and developmental toxicity, and increased bacterial infections are all major risks associated with the undisclosed ingredients in traditional products. Not cool.
Did you know that the average woman uses around 16,000 tampons in her lifetime? Obviously that number could be skewed upward depending on every woman’s individual needs, but 16,000 is a pretty hefty number. That’s just tampons – not including pads and liners. The amount of exposure is sizable, and it’s terrifying to think that we don’t have access to the ingredients in products we use upward of 16,000 times! (To actually see the toxicity in action I recommend watching this video).
While the market for safer feminine hygiene is definitely growing, I’m a fan of @toporganicproject (not sponsored in any way) for the product performance, the fact that it’s 100% biodegradable, and their dedication to helping others in need! Other great options are DivaCup, Natracare, look for chlorine free pads and tampons, and always avoid scented or fragranced products.
What are some other safer alternatives you like? Tag them/link them below!
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