Yesterday it rained. So did the 4 days prior. I’m cold. Clearly craving ice cream makes perfect sense.
I was unleashing my neverending-winter aggression on the contents of my freezer, throwing things left and right, and hunting – seriously hunting – for the container of ice cream that I knew just had to be in there. But when I found it instead of being happy and just grabbing a spoon I sat for a moment trying to figure out what to put on it. We have a lot of food in our house but nothing that I would just dump on top of ice cream.
I ransacked the pantry only to find one of my favorite mix-ins of all time: peanut butter. Life-giving peanut butter. Silky creamy peanut butter. Peanut butter.
Then I did what any rational ice-cream craving woman would do: I took my favorite homemade hot fudge recipe and tweaked it to meet my needs. A little of this and a little of that later I had a creamy topping for my ice cream and then had to learn a little bit about self-control to not eat the rest of the batch. Heaven!
Adapted from Jessica’s Homemade Chocolate Fudge Sauce
- 1 cup cocoa powder
- 1 cup powdered sugar (original recipe calls for regular sugar)
- 2 cups milk (original recipe calls for 1 cup but the peanut butter thickens this so much that you need more liquid)
- 1 cup peanut butter
- 1 Tbsp vanilla
- pinch of salt
- 1/2 cup chocolate chips (optional)
Whisk together the cocoa, sugar, and milk in a saucepan over medium low heat. Once it starts to warm up add the peanut butter and whisk it into the mixture. Add the vanilla and salt and bring mixture to a simmer, whisking constantly. Let it reduce down a bit until it’s at your desired consistency for ice cream topping. Remove from heat and whisk in the chocolate chips until melted (if using). Serve over ice cream and enjoy!
Peanut butter swoops in to save the day again!
I don’t have any ice cream. But I’m seriously considering making this right now anyways so I can eat it with a spoon.
Best ice cream topping yet! This sounds seriously amazing 🙂
Now you have me craving ice cream, fudge, and curling up in my pj’s on the couch. Perfectly acceptable Sat plan if you ask me.
oh my heavens – LOVE this! 🙂
OK that defffinitely beats regular hot fudge 😀
Shut the front door! This looks AMAZING!
I hate that when I’m cold I still crave my blended ice drinks… it just doesn’t make any sense! So glad to know I’m not alone! 🙂
Wow. That looks like a spoonfull of awesome.
This is so going on my breakfast tomorrow 🙂
I am in! Love this one
how did you know I was PMSing?? haha. This looks incredible!
I hear you on the never ending winter. At least that means bathing suit season isn’t here, right? This looks like a delicious way to top off a bowl of ice cream. Peanut butter with chocolate is sooo good.
Think I just died. OMG.
perfect! peanut butter and chocolate are just perfect…
Oohh, looks amazing!! You had some killer self control to not eat the entire batch! I know I would have REALLY wanted to!
Peanut butter + chocolate = winning combo. You are so innovative! 🙂
This looks incredible, I am going to make this for my hubby on father’s day. He is going to swoon!
Peanut butter hot fudge = love! I’m dreaming up ice cream sundaes as we speak:-)