Hey sweet friends! I’m so excited to be teaching a class with The Influence Network a week from today, and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE if you joined in the fun! Here’s the description:
Are you a blogger who loves to share recipes? Have you considered becoming a food blogger but are too intimidated to try? Are you passionate about sharing great food content but what to know the “rules” behind it all? In this class we will cover the basics to make blogging about food FUN and rewarding, but more importantly we’ll talk about making our recipes and writing relatable. In a world where mile-long recipe titles and over-the-top fabulous food photography rules Pinterest, let’s not lose site of the fact that God created our passion for food and has given us a voice to share that, however simple or fancy that might be, with others.
But here’s the thing guys: I want to make this accessible for those of you who want to learn. You don’t have to be a member of the network to take the class, so if you’ve ever thought about food blogging or how to better what you’re already doing, I would LOVE to be a resource for you! Just click here to sign up!
Questions? Comments? Let me know!
Stephanie @ Girl Versus Dough says
Oh how fun! If I didn’t have small group that night I’d so be there. 🙁 Praying it goes well for you!
Catherine says
Will pass it along! 🙂
Debby says
Cool! I know you have a lot to share.:)