“The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea.”
Isak Dinesen
Currently I’m enjoying the salty air, drinking it straight and benefiting from the life-giving smell of the ocean. Inspiration comes in waves, just like this muse laid out before me, and I’m thankful that in the past 32 years of life I’ve slowly come to learn that it is more than acceptable to stop striving all the time – it is both necessary and good. A week of slower living and disconnection and intention will yield more than any ridiculous number of highly caffeinated hours poured over a laptop.
I love that quote about salt water at the top because it has proven to be so very true, even when I didn’t realize it. Every season of life has brought forth challenges, big and small, and every season has started the healing process with one of those three salty bandaids. Thankfully I’m in a season of small challenges right now – the daily (joyful) grind of raising two precious boys, discipline for everyone (myself included), the lack of inspiration that can come from years of striving for creativity in my job. A lot of little things causing a lot of friction in my soul, you know? But as I sit here and stare out at that huge salty ocean it all feels so small, and the tiredness – although still very real – starts to fade.
I’m still here this week, mainly because I just can’t stay away from you guys for that long 🙂 I know I’ve talked a lot lately about rest and feeling uninspired, but at the end of the day I’m so unabashedly thankful for you guys, this space, and the freedom to write these words.
Sending you all love and salt water balm of your very own,
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