Let’s try this again, shall we? I was in the middle of a long and detailed post about my new favorite show, Poldark, last night when BAM! the internet up and quit and I was too tired to try again. So I went to bed instead of doing my work…one of the best things about working for myself. One of the hardest is when I do that and have to start over again in the morning 🙂 Alas, here I am and feeling significantly better I must say!
It’s so crazy to me to see and know how a mom’s body works, especially in those first few months after birth. I could survive on minimal sleep and seem fully functional – no big deal. Now, 16 months later, I went one night with three hours of sleep and was dead to the world the rest of the day. Mothering, wife-ing, friend-ing, working, all of the -ings went down the crapper. If only we could harness that postpartum ability – we could rule the world! And be rich! But mostly I wouldn’t suck at life after a hard night 🙂
I hope you guys have a great day, a great weekend, and enjoy these fun links!
1. Motherhood in the age of Instagram. Loved this!
2. One of my favorite bloggers ever is BACK!
3. Intentionally connecting with kiddos in the summer…doesn’t have to be hard!
4. Just added Maine to my travel bucket list.
5. Getting into the Word as a mom can be hard…but doesn’t have to be.
6. The fourth trimester is a real thing & you can’t be too prepared!
7. Kindness, thankfulness, patience. Three of five really great ways to live with grace & grit!
8. Diet = ruined. Not mad about it.
9. From my experience Michigan has the dreamiest summers around. Amen?
10. Size doesn’t equal success. Remember what matters.
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