Over the past week I’ve gotten a lot of emails from you guys regarding how I plan to be adventurous in the way I go about getting healthier (and hopefully getting my family healthier in the process), and I have to say it’s not going to SOUND all that adventurous at first. But here’s the thing: we’ve fallen into routines that include very comfortable eating and exercise habits, and when I find something that’s comfortable I hold on for dear life.
The afternoon cookie after working out? Like a moth to a flame, y’all, moth to a flame.
What makes these changes adventurous is that they are outside of my norm right now. It’s me having to learn a whole new way to cook and enjoy food, to be disciplined in the way that I eat and work out, and taking chances on new foods as I wave goodbye to my old standbys. I can’t give diet or exercise advice, so I hope that if you are considering making changes you talk to your doctor first and foremost, but I want to share the changes I’m making as I figure them out.
- Cutting out most simple carbohydrates. This isn’t another way of saying low-carb or paleo or whatever; it’s a way for me to nip my snacking and portion size habits right in the bud. I loooooooooooove pasta and bread and sugar so much I can’t even stand it. The problem is that I love it so much that I can’t ever seem to STOP eating when a normal portion size has been had. I also have a family history on both sides of diabetes, and with my gestational diabetes when I was pregnant I have become even more predisposed to developing Type 2 diabetes later in life. I don’t know if that will happen, but if I can do anything to keep it from happening then I want to.
- Eating more protein and a LOT more veggies. This is basically where I’m having to get creative these days because honestly I’d rather have a piece of cake than a sweet potato or handful of celery. I think we all would, right? But creating meals and snacks around a portion of protein and unlimited veggies has been my saving grace so far. With protein I’m also having to relearn what a good portion size is; however, one of my absolute favorites is the egg. It’s a great portion control game (1 egg = 1 portion), and with Great Day Farms hard-boiled eggs I can also have one to go!
- Creating time to work out. My biggest problem, of all time, always, is finding enough time for all the things. So I finally bit the bullet and started waking up at 5 to workout so that I could capitalize on nap time later in the day for writing and recipe development. I know it seems simple, but that one basic move has already made a huge difference in the way my day goes. I can spend more time with Wes, more time with Nate, and can truly get some alone time in the mornings to exercise. Lately I’ve been running and/or walking and doing a mix of yoga and Tone It Up workouts. Love it so far!
- Drinking water. I know I’m going to get emails on this saying that I’m doing something wrong, but I’ve been drinking about a gallon of water a day. I KNOW that’s about twice what the recommended daily intake is, but it’s not hard for me and honestly I am not drinking more water than I was originally anyway. Now I just measure it to make sure I’m getting enough! I love it too – water has never been a hard sell for me. It’s so refreshing, and drinking about a gallon works for me based on my size, energy output and cravings.
- Calculating portion sizes. This is a simple thing that’s made a big difference. I figure out how many servings a recipe should be. When it’s time to eat, I plate 2 servings (for myself and Nate, 3 if Wes is eating what we’re eating) and then I put the other two (or however many) away IMMEDIATELY. This keeps the temptation to go back for seconds at a minimum and also makes it easier to do leftovers the next day!
I’d love to hear what some of your tips and tricks are for getting healthier this year. I think it’s so important to make changes that are for the long-term, not just to reach short-term goals. And you know what? Thanks to the fine folks over at Great Day Farms ONE of you can get free eggs for an entire year! That’s right – a YEAR! That means you get quality and healthy protein-packed meals for 365 days. What’s not to love, right?
To enter just follow the instructions in the Rafflecopter widget below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Heidi says
Well, of course I’d want some of these! 🙂
Lindsey says
I am doing similar things. We’re trying to cut out all processed foods for our family as a whole. We’re also working out most nights (we’re following Jillian Michael’s Ripped in 30– so far it’s been great!). We just completed week 1 and I feel SO much better and am sleeping better too, which is a win!
Heather says
It’s always amazing to me how good I feel when we eat right and exercise consistently. Makes you wonder what’s keeping us from doing it all the time right?!
sheri says
Hi There – found you on your blog and IG today – so happy when I find a new site I love. 🙂
Heather says
So glad you’re here Sheri!!!
Susan McClellan says
My family and I are phasing out our “mainstream” shampoos, conditioners, soaps, lotions and the like. We are going all organic (if that is possible) or are making our own. We are a very busy family…if we can do it, anyone can! …and, it is pleasurable and more luxurious, let alone, way better for you.
Heather says
Oh, that’s so interesting! I’d love to hear how it goes!
Missy says
More protein, water, and veggies. Hoping to break Coke Zero addiction and artificial sweeteners in general! I like to have nutritious ingredients in the house and not buy junk. If its not there, I can’t eat it!!
Terry Riley says
I can never keep enough eggs in the house! I use them for everything. So excited there is a new giveaway for eggs!
Urban Wife says
My sweet tooth is my weakness. When I bake, it has to go ( with my husband to his office. Otherwise, it’s t-r-o-u-b-l-e especially if I’m hungry in the middle of night when the baby wakes to feed. I don’t see myself completely cutting out sugar but I definitely need to be more mindful of my consumption.
Kristi says
Sugar is my downfall. Sweets. I feel like I need to eat them after lunch and dinner, and then I’ve even woken up in the middle of the night to go eat a piece of chocolate! Craziness. I’m going to work hard this year to get my sweets under control. i’m not going to eliminate it all together, but I don’t need to eat sweets multiple times a day.
Amanda B says
I’ve been getting better at working out for the past year, dropping 40lbs in the process. My focus now is on portion control. Consuming how much I *can* eat instead of how much I *should* eat has been the story of my life. It’s been hard to even know how to address a 30 year old habit! So, my mantra is now “protein the size of a deck of cards, unlimited veggies, and if I know I shouldn’t eat it, THEN DON’T!” It’s working well so far. 🙂 love your idea of a boiled egg for taking to-go! It will help me keep my snacking healthy and portion-conscience!
Heather says
Girlfriend, you are preaching to the choir right now on this one. I’m right there with you!
Amanda B says
We can doooo it!
Liz @ Tip Top Shape says
Plating meals and putting the leftovers in the fridge right away is such a good idea!
Jennifer Leone says
I do like egg, lots of different ways!
Erin | The Law Student's Wife says
For me, keeping healthy snacks accessible at all times is key. I’m never going to slice up celery when the open box of crackers is right there, so I’m going to try to prep ahead. It would probably help to get this box of chocolates out of my top desk drawer too…