You guys, this weekend was exactly what this girl needed. Warm weather, sunny skies, no plans – just a few days to relax and enjoy. It got me really thinking about rest and the fact that the boundaries in my personal and blog life have become very blurred. Blogging is my real job, one that I love and feel so privileged to have. It’s also one that I worked my tail off to be able to do before Wes was born – early mornings, really late nights, and every waking moment not at my office job was devoted to making this happen.
And now that we’re in the home stretch with our second baby I’m starting to realize that boundaries are going to be needed in order to rest and in order for me to stay sane. It took a freakishly warm weekend in the middle of a rainy, crazy cold winter to show me that. I don’t know what it means, but after really digging into Make It Happen and forcing myself to face what really matters it’s apparent that changes will happen.
In the meantime, I was a bad food blogger and didn’t take any pictures of my food. I didn’t plan recipes. I didn’t even go to the store for a few days…and it was glorious. GLORIOUS!
Another thing that happened this weekend is I really started digging into plans for our garden! After last year’s patio garden on our porch I decided that it was time to start doing a little more. We’re going to take it slow and do a square foot garden in a little 6×5 patch in our yard, but I will say that we’re going to do more than tomatoes and basil. Sure, those guys are making an appearance, but I can’t wait to try more!
And y’all? I may even plant flowers. YES. Get ready.
Wes is already trying to “help” water the garden for me (besides the fact that the hose isn’t even hooked up to a water source right now). I get so excited to see him SEE food being grown! Although he’s far from biting into a raw tomato, he still gets so excited to see fresh tomatoes in the store or in pictures.
We’re hoping our basketball goal gets more use this year too. I was thinking about it today and realized that we’ll have been in this house for a full year at the end of February, which blows my mind. It feels like we’ve been here forever and also just for a few weeks. Want to know a secret? We still haven’t unpacked some stuff and we STILL haven’t hung anything up on our walls to speak of.
I’m not even sorry.
Saturday Nate spent all day cleaning up the leaves in our yard (it’s been too wet to do it til now!), and after long naps for everyone we ordered pizza and built a fire in our new fire pit. Honestly it was kind of magical and I’m now lobbying for fire pit fires every night.
I can’t believe we will soon have two little lives to look after, care for and teach. It’s all going so fast, but I think back to when I was 8 weeks along and thought I would never come out of the pregnancy coma I was in. Now we have to hustle to get the room ready(ish), register at the hospital, attempt potty training, and try to figure out a birth plan. I can’t believe that I get to hold this little man soon, and that thought brings so much joy to my heart!
So that was my weekend – how was yours?!
Julie says
We’ve been in our new house for 10 mos. & don’t have any pics up yet either. 😛 Blerg!
Lauren says
Square foot gardens! Do it. We started with one and now have four. We compost and use that great soil to supplement the clay in our yard. These babies are totally rewarding and I really cannot say enough good things about them. So many herbs! I’m not sure how the climate differs from Maryland down there but strawberries are our best crop up here.
Firepits are the best!