Well, this is my third State of Motherhood Address, which means Weston is now 15 months old! How insane is that?! Every day he is growing and learning and becoming more of a little boy and less of a baby. And, even though he will certainly always be my baby, I am excited to see and be part of all the changes he’s going through. We are certainly blessed with an amazing little boy!
Honestly I had to go back to the past few months of posts to get a feel for what I was going for when I was talking about food, and I’ve come to realize that (since this is more post-partum for me than about Weston anymore) every time I’ve talked about food it’s been in the sense of eating well to lose weight. I am still working on honing my ability to have self control around some food, but for the most part I am getting more and more in the swing of eating well every day.
I think over the past year+ it has been hard at times since I have always been prone to emotional eating, and having a baby and moving cross-country in a short period of time can be a little stressful. It makes sense that it’s taken a little bit of time for me to reign it in, but with such amazing summer produce and my new-found love of salads it’s getting easier and easier to have meals revolve around fresh food. All that to say that I’m still certainly working to get to a healthier place, but I’m happy with how I’ve been eating and just thankful for the opportunity to eat well. I don’t recognize it enough, but it’s truly a blessing!
As I’ve said before exercise is never something I’ve struggled with. I love working out and pushing my body to get stronger – always have! In this area I’ve still been doing GPP workouts, but I’ve also been subbing in my FitnessGlo workouts and Bob Harper yoga a few times a week to really challenge my body. I find it makes me feel better mentally and physically to change it up now and then!
I’ve also been doing the 100 push-up challenge (there’s an app for it!) to work on my core and upper body strength in new ways, and y’all? SO HARD. I’ve always only ever done push-ups on my knees, but I’m really challenging myself to only do them on my toes and I can feel it for a couple days after every time!
So I’m not really going to say too much here because I’m working on something really big (for me) in this area that I’m going to tell y’all about soon – I’m so EXCITED!!! – but I will say that I’ve been working harder on getting showered and ready for most days. Not necessarily ready for anything in particular, but trying to put on something other than a clean set of workout clothes is kind of a big deal. I have had 2 more StitchFix boxes since my last State of Motherhood (and my next box comes on Tuesday!!!), and I’ve gotten some SUPER cute stuff in those.
Again, I’m going to share more about this all soon – but til then, if you haven’t jumped on the StitchFix bandwagon I will say that I highly recommend you sign up for it! It’s an incredibly convenient way to get new clothes and freshen up that wardrobe without having to put in a lot of effort. Perfect for busy women!
I hate to be redundant but I’m going to post about this more on Thursday – there was just too much to say in this post alone! I’ve really been working on embracing my jobs lately though, as well as diversifying. I have some really fun things coming up with blogging and working with local companies, and I just can’t wait! In last month’s State of Motherhood I was really getting to a point where I wasn’t sure what roles to embrace and which ones to be more lenient with; now I feel like I’m being shown ways to do all of the things I’m passionate about and being given ways to grow in those areas.
Oh, and learning to dump tons and tons and tons of grace on myself. That’s a big one!
I won’t be the first or last to say this, but marriage is both the best and the hardest thing in the world. Many times, for me, it is a constant reflection of where my heart is at. When I feel super stressed and tired or frustrated I tend to get really snippy and nit-picky with Nate over the silliest things. It’s during those times that I realize how I’m treating my best friend and the love of my life, and it makes me have to humble myself and ask for forgiveness. This is a good thing, but I have to admit that I have to humble myself quite a bit sometimes. I’m working on treating Nate the way he deserves to be treated, regardless of what I’m feeling and thinking and preoccupied with!
In this life there’s really nothing more important than Jesus, my husband, our kids and our families, in that order. My hope is that as I continue to grow and mature and live that I live out those priorities in a way that is clear and loving and kind.
15 months after-baby. I never imagined life would be this good, or that I would feel like a completely new woman after having a baby, but the lessons that I’ve been taught in my past year as wife and mother have been incredible blessings – I can’t wait to see what the rest of life holds!
these are my favorite posts. Thanks for sharing your REAL life. It encourages me for when we want to have children.
Girl, you’re going to be an amazing mom 🙂
I dont know how this is the first State of Motherhood Address I have read! I’m been following you for a couple years now, gotta go for the other ones because I LOVED this! I signed up for StitchFix and am excited to try it out once I get back to the States!
Thanks so much Lena! Your comment just made me smile 🙂
Amen to that last paragraph (well, all of it really) mama! Except change mine to say “2 years after-baby). It’s amazing how God sends those little ones to change US, not so we can change them into something we want.
I just can’t believe how fast our kiddos are growing up, or how much I love being a mom. I know you feel the same way – change has never been this fun 🙂
What a great update! I signed up for StitchFix a couple days ago. My first box is coming in a couple weeks. I tried to schedule after a few events so life would be a little slower. I’m looking forward to it.
Karen, you’ll love it! Definitely can become an addiction, but I love how easy it is!
My daughter is 11 and I think that at times I’m still adjusting my life as a mother. I guess as your child gets older, and goes through different phases in their lives, your life does the same thing. I feel more content with my life right now then I have ever felt before.
Hi Kristi! I agree, I think it’s an ever-growing process for both parent and child. It’s so great to hear that it just gets better!
I love your SOM Addresses! I think regardless of whether you are a mother or not, checking in on how life is going is a great way to make new goals and see where you can improve. We sometimes get so caught up in the day to day that we don’t realize certain ruts we put ourselves in.
I love Weston’s thick, beautiful blond hair. Handsome little guy!
I LOVE HIS HAIR! We’ve talked about cutting it short since it’s summer and we don’t want him to get too hot, but I don’t know if I could part with it!
If I haven’t told you this before, I really really love these posts. They’re some of my favorite.
YAY! I’m so glad you like them – I think it’s crazy how much we relate to all of this when we become mommas!