OK so you guys need to know this: I had to go back and re-do this list about 8 times last night because my dang server kept crashing and I kept forgetting to save my changes. Womp, womp, I know. That, plus the fact that I’m fighting another yucky sinus situation may make today rather interesting!
What are you guys doing this weekend? I’m going to my local IF:Gathering and seriously cannot wait. I’ve been looking forward to this for a whole year, and I know this organization’s heart for the Lord. I’m pumped, sickness and all!
You guys, enjoy your weekend and enjoy these links. And be safe! XOXO
1. If you only read on thing from this list this week, make it THIS LETTER RIGHT HERE. Truth be told I uttered a 4-letter word because the mom they talk about in the letter? Is me about 95% of the time. Reality check. (For Every Mom)
2. Binder clips are so versatile…I think I’ll be making a shopping trip to the office supplies aisle of Walmart today… (Quartz)
3. All the reasons why you should strap a GoPro on your kids’ head. So cute! (For Every Mom)
4. Swallowed by Jaws. No thanks, I’ll look at the pretty pictures instead! (ESPN)
5. This is going to be me for the next 18 years, I’m sure… (Momastery)
6. All the more reason to love Leigh Anne Tuohy! (Today)
7. How you’re supposed to Instagram your food. Are you following the rules? (Domino)
8. Work, sleep, family, fitness, friends – pick 3! Isn’t that the truth?! (INC)
9. Dying over this video. I think my favorite caption is “super bright junk light” (Holderness Family)
10. THIS podcast. Yes and yes. (The Porch)
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