Oh gosh y’all. I can hardly breathe. My baby starts Kindergarten on Monday, we have Meet the Teacher Night tonight, and I can’t seem to stop crying. Next week is going to be rough. Hang in there with me?
In other news, we have been spending some time outside lately and holy cow do the bugs love me. I have bites everywhere including inside of my bellybutton. I don’t know if there could be a worse place to have a bug bite (well, I can imagine one place) than smack dab in the middle of my flipping bellybutton! No clue what kind of bug it was, but it got me all over plus my boys. That may be the last time I go outside for a while…
Anyway, you can find me this weekend in a ball in the corner bawling my eyes out. True story. Enjoy these lovely links y’all!
- What you need to know about helping your child develop healthy friendships.
- All the organic, clean things…for $3? Is this real life?
- The index card every kid needs. All the tears.
- HOLY SOBBING MESS. To my fellow moms on the first day of Kindergarten.
- Super thought-provoking and humbling.
- Another one: have smartphones destroyed a generation?
- Totally guilty of buying into French girl anything 🙂
- How cool are these repurposed buildings?!
- Ha. Ha. Ha. 🙂
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