I’ve been working for myself for 5-1/2 years now, and I think it’s safe to say that I’ve gone through many ups and downs. I’ve gone from viral recipes to nothing at all, from intense motivation to complete exhaustion. Wash, rinse, repeat.
This past weekend I was able to meet up and hang out and learn from some of the amazing women (and a few men) who have become friends and my blogging family. One thing that I’ve always been impressed with is that when it comes to The Women Bloggers and Megaphone Summit there’s really no competition or cattiness; it’s just a bunch of people who share a common passion and a desire to one another succeed. It was refreshing to say the least!
So here I am, back in the work-at-home-mom saddle after a refreshing weekend. I’m motivated and excited, I’ve been educated in the ways of current blogging and making my online presence grow. But there’s also only one week left in the summer, one week left til my baby starts Kindergarten, one week til our lives simultaneously slow down and speed up. Therefore I have a choice to make – I can intentionally plod along, implementing the new things I’ve learned at a slower pace, or I can exhaust myself trying to make it happen all at once.
I suppose when I put it that way the choice is clear right?
So hey blogger lady – rest up. The time is coming to do all the things, but these last few days are precious and will fly by. It’s OK to slow it on down, settle in, and allow the new lessons to be brought to fruition one at a time. Take the rest and be intentional; the it will all happen when it’s supposed to!
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