Morning everyone! This is going to be short because I’m really sick (sore throat, can’t talk, super weak, slight fever, severe congestion), and let’s face it: when you’re sick you need as much rest as you can get! I’ll be spending the day in bed with some of this:
Top shot since I love the way the teabags look:
I hope I feel better soon, being sick is the worst!
What’s your favorite thing to eat/drink/take for a severe sore throat? I’ve obviously got the tea thing under control, but I need something else that’s going to numb the pain…
Gargle with garlic! Garlic does wonders when you are sick. Hope you feel better
Aww being sick is the worst! I hope you feeling better soon!!! Rest and drink tons of fluids.
Hi love!!! Hope you feel better soon!!! For a sore throat I love tea + honey!
You too? Everybody’s getting sick! I’ve been munching on candied ginger to clear my sinuses and guzzling orange juice like crazy! Hope you feel better soon!
AWW ahh feel better lovely1!!
I gargle several drops of colloidal silver (available in most health food stores); really helps with sore throats. Feel better soon!
Hope you’re feeling better–sounds like all the suggestions have been made. Try them all! The warm salt water gargle is gross, but really helps–I think it shrinks down the swelling on the surface–Chrissy will even do it when she gets a sore throat–so it must work! Feel better!
chamomile tea….always makes my throat feel good
I’m a big fan of smoothies and ice cream for sore throats. Go get yourself a pint of Ben & Jerrys. 🙂
In all seriousness, feel better soon!
I don’t really have sore throats, but when I do, I love warm water with honey and a squirt of lemon…it’s the best, cheapest remedy ever.
Being sick stinks! Hope you feel better soon : ) Getting LOTS of rest is always the way to go for me.
Throat coat tea is awesome. Salt water gargle also works and a little over the counter pain relief like Tylenol.
Chicken soup, toast, and ginger ale.
Feel better 🙂
My mom used to whip up this horrible concoction of garlic, honey and cilantro and make us drink it. I don’t think it worked. Haha I guess that doesn’t help, huh.. I usually take zinc. 🙂
Applesauce…for some reason cold applesauce always tastes good going down my throat! Feel better soon!! 🙂
Hey girl! Hope you guys are doing well – except for the being sick part!! We saw Janet and Chrissy last weekend in Ft. Worth – we miss you two!!
Okay, I actually did write with something to hopefully help you….it sounds really crazy and I don’t know why it works, but it does. Lay down and put hydrogen peroxide in your ear and leave it for 5+ minutes, then do the other ear. It will bubble and crackle, but it’s not too bad. It always helps me – I use it on the kids too anytime we are starting to feel under the weather. Hope you get better soon!
Tell Nate hi for us,
Feel better soon! I usually drink green tea and when I am sick I add a ton of honey. It makes it super sweet and I swear it helps the sore throat.
I also use tea for sore throat. I love your cute mug 🙂
Get well soon!
Booooo to sickness!! I hope you feel better soon girl!
Warm water with lemon is always a go-to for me. Or a spoonful of honey.
I mentioned it on twitter but since you might be sleeping I’ll repeat it here :)… traditional medicinal throat coat tea, I swear! One of the herbal things in there is really good for numbing the throat pain. Feel better lady!
Oh no, feel better soon.
Hot tea with honey is the best!
Hope you feel better!! I hate tea, so I don’t even drink it when I’m sick. I think ice cream is best. 🙂
I Hope you feel better! I got some Celestial Seasonings Echinacea Wellness tea in a giveaway awhile ago. I used it when I felt a cold coming on and I think it helped. 🙂
Throat Coat tea. Slippery Elm lozenges. Zicam. Emergen-C.
Hope you feel better!
I second that! Slippery Elm Bark is sweet and coats the back of your throat better than anything! (Hence the name Throat Coat tea…)
Tylenol or another anti-inflammatory will help in the long term.
Zinc is also an awesome natural treatment. I would’ve recommended it yesterday when you were just starting to get sick, but it will still shorten the length and severity of your cold.