It’s no secret that we love Hawaii around here. Before we ever took the plunge and moved to Denver we were actually very seriously considering a massive move to Maui (really really), and I’d be lying if there aren’t times that I wish we had done it. However, life is always as it should be, and thankfully I can live vicariously through Monica’s blog.
I have been reading The Grommom for about 6 months or so now; it was one that I discovered while I was lazing around on the internet, clicking on link upon link in different blogs and websites, when all of a sudden I happened upon the MOB (mothers of boys) Society page and started reading through the contributors section. Everyone there sounded fabulous, but when I saw that Monica lives on Oahu with her husband 4 boys I was instantly intrigued. The more I read her blog the more I fell in love not only with where they live, but more with the way that she so lovingly shares her heart and her life. Being a mom to a boy is something I never really foresaw, and her blog definitely brings the encouragement!
I so enjoy every post, and the great news is that she has it all. Healthy eating, exercise, encouragement, faith, and beautiful photos besides. She posts about grom fashion, which I adore, and just island living in general. I can’t say that it really helps curb my craving for being by the ocean 24/7, but it’s so nice to imagine that one day (and it WILL happen) we can go out and meet Monica and her family in real life. Although we probably won’t try to surf with them…Nate and I aren’t really down with being schooled by kids. 😉
Monica, thank you so much for the love and the joy that you put into your family, your writing, and your blog!
You can find Monica here:
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