Oh man. Talk about a blog I love to visit – y’all, sweet Stephanie‘s blog is IT when it comes to delicious food, beautiful photography, and a sweet girl that you’ll just want to bear-hug the moment you meet her! I can’t remember exactly how I found her blog, but the second I did I added it to my reader and have been avidly following ever since.
I mean, head on over and take a look around. I dare you to not love her yummy recipes! I pretty much start drooling at the very title, let alone actually reading the whole thing. I’ve made several of Stephanie’s recipes and I have to say they are TOP NOTCH. And her love of Mexican food comes close to rivaling my very own, which is saying a LOT because homegirl (me) loves good Mexican food.
One of my favorite things about Stephanie is that she is also active in social media, always seeking to love and encourage others and offer help when and where she can. I think a lot of times this whole blogging world can feel really big and overwhelming, but it’s women like Stephanie that show – through their blogs and through their lives – that we are all here for one another. It just so happens she offers fabulous food along with her down-to-earth sense of humor and grace.
Stephanie, thank you for being such a lovely person and always seeking to lift others up! You can bet the moment we meet some of your chile rellenos and a marg are in order 😉
You can find Stephanie here:
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Tieghan says
Stephanie really is an amazing blogger and women!