QUICK PREFACE: I am in no way affiliated with any of these companies or products. These are all workouts & products I love and use often!
- I remember when I was nursing A at all hours of the night I would see 21 Day Fix commercials and wish that my postpartum body would magically turn into a ball of muscle. Wishing didn’t make that happen, so eventually I purchased just the DVD set of 21 Day Fix Extreme and have been doing both workout sets ever since. I love how short they are (30 minutes) and that they’re really good, solid workouts. I did the pilates one from the regular 21 Day Fix yesterday + a 20 minute jog and I’m feeling it today! Contact your local friendly Beachbody coach!
- I’ve been loving Vega just as much as I did in this post and have been making this smoothie every day for a snack. SO GOOD. I usually make it around 3:30 or 4:00 as a pick-me-up since I won’t be eating dinner until 7:30. It really curbs my snack cravings, which is HUGE because the witching hour is such a stress-snack time for me!
- My sister introduced me to Vital Proteins a few months ago and it has been so great for sneaking protein into my picky older boy’s diet but it’s also been great for me too! Stirring it into my coffee (it’s totally flavorless) or mixing it into batters has been a great way to get extra protein in when a meal is too carb-heavy.
- I mentioned it forever ago, but I adore Fitness Blender. Their workouts are SOLID, their programs are great, and it’s totally free. Can’t beat that, right? I will say that I did all of the programs a few times through and was looking for a change, but I still do a Fitness Blender workout once a week at least.
- Beachbody on Demand. Right after I talk about Fitness Blender I’m going to talk about another workout resource? The way I see it is the variety keeps me coming back. I love mixing it up, which is easy with Beachbody on Demand. You can pick and choose programs to do, buy the newer ones, stream from different places. It’s a phenomenal resource, although it does cost money. But worth it? Definitely.
It’s been over a year since having our second boy, and I can honestly say that it’s taken me this long to get to a point where I’m really motivated on all levels to get back into shape. It’s not just about a “bikini body” (although I subscribe to the ‘if you have a body and wear a bikini then you have a bikini body’ mentality); it’s not about reliving my athlete glory days. It’s about living the healthiest life I can and changing some old habits to get there.
I’ve shared a million times that my problem has never been finding motivation to work out – I LOVE IT and I crave it. My problem is always eating the right things and eating the right amount. SO. The past couple of weeks I’ve been working slowly on eating good, healthy food in normal portions without feeling deprived. I can’t say that I’ve lost inches upon inches, but I can CERTAINLY attest to feeling less bloated and sliding into my clothes a little easier.
One thing that I was thinking about the other day is that I’ve fluctuated back and forth for so long between disordered eating (too little, too much), body dysmorphia, simply not caring anymore, and then wanting to jump on every fitness and wellness wagon out there. I’ve been all over the place and read every article about being kind to yourself and given myself every excuse, but at the end of the day if there’s going to be change then I need to accept that I’m no longer 20 years old and will have to work a little harder to get back to fighting shape. And it’s OK if I need to be more mentally tough, because life isn’t getting easier amen?
I hope you guys enjoy these resources! What fitness resources and tips are you loving these days?
I’ve heard good things about both the 21 Day Fix workouts and the Fitness Blender videos! I’ve been doing the Tone It Up workouts and i love it! I’m with you on the need for variety though!