I’m just going to come right out and say it: this 31 day dare is kicking my tail right now. It’s kicking it in good ways because it has challenged and shown me that I do still, in fact, love writing and want to get better at it. I want to allow life to inspire the way that I look at the world and allow my God-given creativity to grow. I don’t want to be scared and allow fear to make my decisions for me.
But I’m also tired. This dare has been draining emotionally, professionally and physically, and I woke up this morning just feeling completely exhausted and not ready or willing to write anything. I have an intense desire to follow through with this challenge because otherwise I don’t know if I could say I was truly challenged. Getting out of my comfort zone in so many areas of life is certainly a good thing, and I am excited to see the fruit of it continue to grow in my life.
But right now? Today? Saturday October 19?
Momma’s tired.
So I’m going to cut this short and soak in the coffee, the rainy weather, the love of my boys, and the always-present grace. I’m going to be present in it all and allow God to keep doing his thing in my heart.
Because I think the biggest argument I have for living boldly these days is boldly stepping away from the computer and fearlessly LIVING this offline life.
Y’all have a great Saturday. I love you 🙂
I can appreciate this so much. This weekend, as I was running a hundred different directions, I loved giving myself permission to NOT worry if I posted a thing. Even if the photos would be great on insta, or on Facebook–I just wanted to be IN the moment, more than recording it! 🙂
but I will say that your photo gets me in a big way…Ah–fall, how I miss those leaves!!! 🙂
Beautiful photo – is that by where you live? If so, I am jealous!
Also, I just wanted to say that I am 100% with you. The 31 days of blogging has provided this space where God is speaking to me way more than I anticipated. It’s wonderful, but also exhausting. The last couple of days I could hardly get a post up! But, I’m trying to keep plugging along, knowing that God will provide the words… and also that it’s okay to have a few posts where I don’t go quite as deep.
Have a blessed Saturday!
Enjoy your day!