The smell of rain is probably one of my top five favorite smells ever ever ever. Topped only by the smell of newborn baby and my husband, but in the lineup with fresh-cut grass, puppy breath, and freshly roasted coffee. Luckily for me this weekend was filled with that lovely smell!
When we were growing up and drove to California every summer we would make a long trek from Lubbock to Flagstaff, pulling into town right after the summer storms had hit. The smell of fresh rain and pine trees would fill the car as we drove to the hotel, and that smell became ingrained in my memory. Every time I smell rain it takes me back to those summer trips and I smile as I remember the long car rides dotted with McDonald’s ice cream cones, Twizzlers and breakfast for dinner at Cracker Barrel.
I so look forward to the trips to come with my husband and boys where we can create memories together like the ones I had growing up. The ones where my boys will get annoyed with one another over silly things and then laugh about it all later. And where we’ll have a tradition like breakfast for dinner after long hours on the road. Creating our own beautiful memories, together.
I made this recipe with Riceland and I have to say that it’s super dreamy. Creamy, rich, full of texture. Heaven. And if you’re looking for a fantastic dish to make for parties or a quick dinner – this is your huckleberry! Go on and get it here!
Making this tonight!