You guys know that cookies are always a welcome addition to our weeknight dinner menu desserts, and that chocolate chip cookies reign supreme thanks to my husband’s rabid obsession with them. Yes, rabid. Don’t believe me? Come stay with us for a day or two – you’ll find out.
If you’ve been following the blog for a while you’ll also know that it is quite the struggle to get good chocolate chip cookies to turn out at higher altitudes, and although I’ve figured out ways to make it work for me I had yet to find a recipe that would yield really good, really rich and really cookie-like cookies.
Notice I said “had” – as in past tense. But hold that thought.
Have y’all ever read Katie’s blog? I don’t know how I was so in the dark about her fabulousness until recently, but if you haven’t read her blog you need to. Even if it’s just to see photos of her sweet baby girl – whose cheeks rival Weston’s – or figure out how to look amazing after having a baby. She’s got it all, and I just have to say this: yes, I want cake too. Please and thank you.
So back to the cookies – y’all, these are seriously the best chocolate chip cookies I think I have ever made in my life. They’re crunchy on the bottom, gooey in the middle and they actually look/taste/feel like cookies. And the flavor is so perfectly chocolate-chip-cookie-ish. Yes I realize that they are in fact chocolate chip cookies and as such should actually taste like chocolate chip cookies, but for so long I’ve been playing around with recipes that vaguely remind me of chocolate chip cookies but just don’t quite get there.
These get there. And beyond. They are crazy delicious. Make them.
(sorry for being bossy – but really, make them now).
Here’s the original recipe; the only changes I made were refrigerating the dough for 45-60 minutes before baking and I didn’t do 1/4-cup cookies (mine were about 2 Tbsp of dough).
Heaven! Thanks for sharing such a delicious recipe Katie!
I love Katie – and her baby girl. She was probably the first person to ever read my blog!
There’s just nothing quite like a good chocolate chip cookie!
Yes! I need to try them…I am so frustrated with trying cookie recipes, only to find that they don’t get flat and crispy at our elevation. Your success makes me more confident!
holy swoon, those look fantastic. and I love Katie. and I love you. 🙂
ditto my lady 🙂
Your cookies look like they came out perfectly – nice crispy edges with a soft center 🙂
You really just can’t beat the classic chocolate chip cookie.
I love Katie! Ashley turned me onto her when she came out in January and I’m so glad she did. Such a sweetheart.
Hah! You are hilariously flattering…thank you! So glad they turned out for you…they’ve actually failed a couple of times for me (I always blame the weather), but 98% of the time, they work perfectly. Wish I was there to take a bite out of one of yours.
These look pretty darn fabulous. I have my favorite recipe but I love to try others’ favorites too. Nothing like a good chocolate chip cookie.
The brown sugar/white sugar ratio has become crucial in my opinion – I have to get a chewy cookie or it’s a waste of my time. 🙂
Yum! What a fabulous looking cookie!