Man oh man, I could write a 3-volume book on the things I’ve learned from blogging. Here are 5 that I’m marinating on these days 😉
- I’m not actually that cool. What a way to start off, right? I guess what I’m saying here is that my day is pretty much the same every day. I don’t really have any big quirks (that I’m aware of) to laugh about on a consistent basis. I freak out about laundry not getting done and when my kitchen is a big mess the world just feels a little off. Yesterday the big thing I did all day was go to Walmart to buy dishwasher detergent. The coolness factor on that in my pre-married life was about a negative 5, but these days? Kind of a big deal. So the whole writing about my life and making it seem fun and exciting or at least humorous…well, it can be kind of a struggle sometimes. But it’s also made me dig down and realize that I’m so very blessed in so many big and small ways!
- It’s so easy to compare yourself to women you’ve never met. Kind of a spin-off of #1 —> I have caught myself many times sitting back and wondering why my life doesn’t seem as cool, why I’m not as put together, why I’m not as entrepreneurial/witty/creative/hilarious as a large number of bloggers. But the thing that I always have to remind myself of is this: we’re all human. That means we all have stuff, we all have issues, hurts, habits, hang-ups, frustrations, whatever. You name it. As Casey said in her most recent post and Emily wrote about it as well, there’s a lot that doesn’t make it onto a blog, and that is true for all of us. So when I catch myself in the comparison trap? Well, usually I strap Weston on and take a quick walk to the park to get out of my house and see the incredible world around me. To breathe in some fresh air and realize that I am here for a reason, and if that reason is solely to just love on my husband and our baby boy? Then that’s a big enough blessing for me…being able to write about it is just icing on the cake.
- There will probably be no shortage of stuff to write about. Besides my uncoolness and non-put-togetherness (both are totally real words and phrases) I could probably throw several hundred words down in a blog post about nothing…think the Seinfeld version of my life. I could wax poetic about my loathing of laundry, the amount of dog fur on the floor, the fact that I have tried every year for the past half a decade (that means 5 years. In fancy talk ;)) to plant an herb garden with 0% success. So while I may run out of recipes or may take photos of the enormous amount of leftovers we eat, as least there will always be something to write about!
- I’ve made some of my best friends through blogging. Women that I would never have met otherwise I now consider some of my best friends. The biggest problem with this is the fact that we don’t always get to just stop by and hang out with one another, but the amount of encouragement and love and support that I have received from you guys? That’s Jesus at work right there. I just hope that I can be as big of an encouragement in your life as you all have been in mine!
- Redesigning a blog is a beating. HOLY.GOODNESS. I have been wanting/needing a new look in this space for a while, and I just cannot come up with a good idea. I’ve read books and articles and played on Photoshop and sought out other opinions and NOTHING. If anyone has any ideas, please help. Yesterday I sat in front of the screen and cried about it like a normal adult woman would (sarcasm) and then sat on the couch with a spoonful of peanut butter & a Zumba infomercial to make it all go away. Redesign, you are sucking the life out of me. That is all.
So what about you guys? Blogger? Not a blogger? Friday thoughts? Feel free to link up in the comments!
I’m a blogger. Completely agree with you that not everything gets on the blog. Many people have exciting lives but things aren’t always what they seem… definitely agree. Loving your blog. 🙂
Thank you so much! I can’t wait to check yours out!
Loved reading your honest, funny and truthful observations as a blogger – I share many of them!
I agree with all your 5 points! Sometimes I think being a blogger is one of the hardest jobs, mentally. Always having to come up with new, clever ideas, keeping your blog looking up to date and nice – it is a lot of work! But fulfilling at the same time:)
It’s so true – one of the best and hardest jobs! I always think it’s ALMOST like being a mom in that there’s really no “down” time unless you make an effort since almost anything could be a blog topic!
For your point 2 : in France, we’ve got a sentence “L’herbe n’est jamais plus verte dans le jardin du voisin”, the grass is not greener in your neighbor’s garden.
Never think other has a great life while yours is not funny, for example. Life teaches me that, as everyone, we hide things who goes wrong. Most of all in the internet world now.
Just be yourself, that’s the reason we like you.
Axelle, as always you have such great points! The grass isn’t always greener – I just have to be reminded of that!
Your post just helped me get over my hesitancy to write. I’ve been feeling like blogging for a few months now and yet it just seems so daunting because I self edit to the point where I just talk myself out of writing anything at all. So I realized I need to get over the initial hump and just throw a post up to open up the blogging world again. I miss the comradery of being part of the blogging community.
It’s so easy to not write sometimes, but just go one word at a time. I’m excited you’re coming back!
Have you seen It’s 39 dollars for a year and there are about 70 different themes to choose from that work for wordpress. the one i have on my site right now is a free wordpress theme I just googled. I went through 4 years not changing a thing on my site, then changed it like 6 x within a 6 month period just trying things out. I can answer any questions you have about that 🙂
And the one thing we share about blogging – the FRIENDS we meet! Priceless!
I have seen that site! I’ll have to revisit soon though…having a look that I’m happy with is important not just to the visual appeal but to the entirety of the site!
I don’t have anything earth-shattering to say other than I love this list and I’ve been a reader of your blog for quite a while now… long before Weston 🙂
Comparison will rob your joy. For a brief moment I was patting myself on the back for getting over my addiction to magazines and replacing it with bloggers. Real women, real stories, real lives.. and then I came to realize I was looking to these blogs for superficial direction the same way I used to look to magazines.. what should I be wearing, where should I be going, how should I be speaking (some of my favorite bloggerisms include, “kind of” when you actually mean “very much”, and shopping terms like, “snagged” and “picked up”), and as of late, how I should be dressing my child. Wait.. I’m out of 3-6month sized striped leggings?? Well then I guess we just won’t go out.
It’s EXHAUSTING. And also part of the reason why I’m so lame in updating my own blog or developing it with any sort of purpose. I don’t want to be a source of killjoy for anyone else. Not that anyone would see a picture of me in ill-fitting jeans and one of my boyfriend’s t-shirts and have outfit envy, but still…
Your blog is a safe place and me likey. Keep on keeping on.
PRE-WESTON?! I don’t even remember that girl 😉 It’s true, comparison truly does rob me of joy – putting those words to it makes it so much more clear!
I love that you come across as genuine and when I read your posts, I feel like we could just be chatting in person – THAT’s how cool you are. 🙂 Also, you’re not afraid to openly talk about your faith, your recipes are always amazing & so is the photography. I’m glad you have this blog. 😉
Thank you sweetie – I’m glad I do too!
i really loved this post. so honest, and i totally relate! it’s so true that some times you only see what others are accomplishing and we are always our harshest critics, so while it’s to enjoy what others are doing, it’s tough not to notice by contrast what we’re (seemingly) NOT doing.
and i wouldn’t say you’re not that cool. everybody’s cool to somebody. 😉
Aw, thank you 😉
i’m so uncool. Dorkish and more. And i love that i have met so many sisters through blogging!
Long live the dorks! 🙂
Blogging has been one of the most fulfilling things that I’ve done. I love sharing my thoughts and life with people. It’s truly me on a webpage and I love that I get to share that with people.
Oh Heather – that is how I deal with every “situation” in my life it seems…tears and totally meaningless television! But it really kind of helps 🙂 My biggest problem with blogging is finding the time to do it and make it grow. I think I’ll always be blogging for mostly family and friends because I’m just so short on time!
I love when you just spew about your blessings – that does make you really cool and a good read!
Oh WOW!! Such a wonderful post. We are all so public & it is easy to get caught in that comparison game. Part of the human spirit I’m sure. Thank goodness for tall mountains, long walks + family to help dig me out 🙂
YES 🙂 Those mountains are so dang peaceful – I don’t remember ever being upset when I was on one!
Love what you’ve learned! I’ve learned the same. 🙂 Definitely not good to compare yourself to others. I actually think some of the bloggers who I’ve had to stop reading try way to hard to be funny or cool. One of the reasons I love your blog is because you can tell your genuine. Plus, you have awesome photographs, and I want to eat all the food you make!
aw, thank you so much Kelli! I may or may not have teared up from your sweet comment 🙂
Yes to all! Blogging has become such a big part of my life and I’ve definitely learned so much from it. It’s become an outlet and has offered me a lot of opportunities. There’s also something very special when I receive a comment or an email from a stranger thanking me for a recipe I shared or something else I wrote about!