What is UP my sweet friends?! How are you guys?! It feels like A-G-E-S since we last chatted about the crazy goodness that is food and memories and random happenings. I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas – I know I did! It was chaotic and beautiful, much like life in general, and I’m so thankful for the time off.
Truth? I’m also glad that it’s over.
I love celebrating, and I love the holidays so much, and I love spending time with our families something fierce. But the anticipation and insanity of having a Christmas tree up with a mobile 9-month-old around has worn me OUT.
Oh! Have y’all all had that crazy cold thing going around? It starts with a sore throat, moves on to a shallow cough, then stuff gets REAL when it moves to the chest? All that to say – I’m just now starting to get over it which means it’s basically party central around these parts. And by party central I mean I am going to bed at 10pm. WOOHOO!
OK so before I get carried awaaaaaaaaay with randomness, let’s talk about this horchata. Have you ever had horchata before? It’s this creamy, slightly spicy, silky drink made from rice and water and spices. And you didn’t hear this from me, but if you spiked it with a little rum or vodka it wouldn’t be the worst thing ever either. Just a thought.
I know that as I get ready for New Year’s this is one drink that I’m bringing to the table to celebrate with friends – spiked and otherwise! Need the recipe? Of course you do! Just click over the Riceland website for the how-to!
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