The entire “What I Love About…” page is (obviously) dedicated to women whose blogs I love reading day after day, plus all of the reasons why, and with each week I’m finding more and more that what I come to love is not necessarily the recipes or the DIY projects or the tips or the photography. I do LOVE those things about these women, but what I’m coming to find more and more is that I love the way that they share their hearts with the world. It’s not always the same; some share it through funny stories and hilarious observations, others share it through lists and random thoughts, and others still tug on my heartstrings with their stories of struggle or triumph. The reality is, though, that all of these women are unique and beautiful and wonderful all in their own way.
I can’t remember the first time I started reading Dine & Dish, but I do remember one of the first stories that stuck out to me with Kristen’s blog was when she shared her love letter for 13 years for her husband. Y’all, it’s not often that you find someone who really touches your soul through their words, but Kristen has definitely done that to me. Sure, our life circumstances are a little different. Plus she has 4 kiddos and deserves a great big hug and mani/pedis for life for that one. But the way she opened up her heart for the world and then gave glory to God for everything – I couldn’t stop reading after that!
In addition to beautiful writing she has amaaaaaaaaaaazing, delicious and simply elegant recipes all over the place. I feel like I should eat my computer screen when I click over to her blog, and I wouldn’t be lying if 9 times out of 10 my mouth literally (like, really) starts watering at just the titles alone. Good food that’s simple and quite obviously delicious – yes please!
Kristen is without a doubt one of the sweetest bloggers out there, always engaging in social media and working to build others up. While I love what I do I can tell that blogging has become like a lot of other jobs can be – working to build yourself up, be bigger, be better, beat so-and-so out for a project, have cooler things, look prettier, etc. And seeing blogging for what it can be sometimes, it makes the way Kristen works to love others well even more beautiful to see. I feel like in real life it can be hard to find people who encourage us that well, let alone when we work in the semi-anonymous online life as well.
Kristen, you are a true light in this world and have blessed my socks off continuously with your words, recipes, photos and beautiful heart. Thank you for being such an incredible role model, and I hope I get to give you a big hug someday 😉
You can find Kristen here:
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