And the winners of the Rocco DiSpirito contest are (drumrolllllllllllll…)
Which, loosely translated, means that the winners names are: Beth and Andrea M! Please send me your addresses ladies and we’ll get those signed copies out for you ASAP 🙂
Thanks to everyone for
Mary says
Congratulations to Beth and Andrea! Happy healthy eating.
Janey says
This is off subject but your friend Becky from led me here. We became following buddies on and she notified me of your blog. Love it! I’m attempting a similar blog of what I eat on a daily basis. It’s not nearly as organized as I’d like it to be yet, and I just got a new lens, but it’s a fun venture. Hope you check it out!
Andrea M says
Oh my gosh!! I am honored and SOOOOO excited!
I will gladly give you my address…but i cannot find your email on the site 🙂 i think i’m probably just overlooking it, but will you send it to me?
thanks so much!
Grace & Peace,
Andrea M Wernz