Last week I let you guys know about my new Facebook group, Barefoot & Beautiful, but I didn’t really take a chance yet to tell you the “why” behind the name.
When we lived in Colorado we (mostly Nate) did some work with a barefoot-specific workout program, which initially drew my attention because I finally started to hear about the health benefits of going barefoot. It also gave me an excuse to walk around without shoes on, which I’ve done ever since I can remember anyway. Sure enough, the more I exercised without shoes the stronger I felt, the more balance I had, and my nagging joint pain from years of volleyball and long distance running lessened significantly.
When I wanted to really dig deep and put a name with my Beautycounter business the more the word “barefoot” kept coming to mind. Barefoot is what you do around the people you love and trust. It conveys comfort, authenticity, vulnerability, friendship. I wouldn’t walk into a stranger’s home and remove my shoes, but the first thing I do when I get to my best friend’s house is take my shoes off. Going barefoot shows a natural confidence, plus I’m convinced it goes with anything and everything.
I want my group (and my blog and my home, for that matter) to be a place where women can come and feel safe, comfortable, confident. I want it to be a place where we build a mutual trust, where we can share the things we love as though we are all curled up with a cup of coffee (and sometimes wine!), our bare feet dangling over the edge of an oversized couch. It’s much more than talking AT you about Beautycounter, and more about sharing the things I’m learning about with some great deals thrown in the mix.
If you haven’t already joined us on Barefoot & Beautiful I would love to invite you to request an invite and join the fun!
Neat explanation 😀