In some ways I feel like I’m cheating y’all with this “recipe” because honestly? It’s just coffee, coconut milk, a smidge of coconut oil whirred to submission with an immersion blender. But heaven help me if this little concoction hasn’t been getting me through the transition from super sweet coffee to now being able actually enjoy it black.
YES! It’s true – I’m now officially an adult because I can drink (and enjoy) black coffee! Apparently the being married, having two kids, a mortgage, insurance, and paying bills didn’t make me an adult…but black coffee? Voilà!
So let’s talk sleep. I’m knocking exceptionally hard on our wooden coffee table right now because, for the past couple of nights, we’ve finally been working on getting A to sleep in his crib in his room all night long. It feels like there may be some light on the horizon in this area, which means that I may be able to stop living on half-caff coffee. That’s not to say I’ll stop drinking it, but it won’t be the thing that gets me through the day. And that? Is reason to celebrate. With a latte!
Now I realize that this “recipe” isn’t hard. You’ll probably find your own sweet spot in terms of ingredient measurements, and the method is hardly ground-breaking, but I do promise that this latte’s creamy texture and hit of coconut-y sweetness will NOT disappoint! If you’re following Whole30 then don’t add sweetener, but if you’re not then feel free to sweeten as needed!
Makes 1 large latte
- 1 cup hot strong coffee
- 2 tablespoons full-fat coconut milk
- 1/2 tablespoon coconut oil
- Combine all ingredients in a very large mug OR in a small saucepan.
- Using an immersion blender, blend on high for about 1 minute. You can also use a high-speed blender, but be sure to follow your blender’s manufacturer instructions on blending hot beverages.
- When it’s done the latte will have a head on it that is similar to a Guinness.
- Pour into a mug and enjoy!
Coconut milk is definitely my fav thing to add to coffee/espresso, but I’ve never added coconut oil too–must try this!