…and loves to win FREE stuff?!?!
THIS girl!
About 2 weeks ago I was contacted by Stonyfield to try out their incredible pure-pleasure-on-the-bottom Caramel and Chocolate Oikos Organic Greek yogurts. And you know what? They didn’t have to ask me twice! I had already tried the Caramel yogurt (heaven in a cup), but had been wanting to try the chocolate for some time. Yesterday was that day.
Y’all, this is the best thing that’s happened to yogurt ever. Not even since sliced bread, since that’s fairly unrelated, but EVER! I know now why they call it “pure pleasure”…it’s creamy, chocolate-y, not too sweet, and just the SLIGHTEST hint of tartness (like you find in more good dark chocolates). And, with 0% fat and only 110 calories, it really is a guilt-free dessert. Or breakfast. Or snack. You get the idea 🙂
Stonyfield, being the fantastic company that it is, has offered to host a Chocolate Indulgence Giveaway on the blog! You could win:
- 1 coupon for a free Green & Black Organic Chocolate Bar
- 1 sample of Numi Organic Chocolate tea
- 1 Dagoba/Eco Lips Organic Chocolate chapstick
- 1 Skinnyskinny real cocoa organic soap bar
- 2 free coupons for Chocolate and Caramel Oikos multipacks
- Recipe card set featuring Chocolate Cheesecake, as well Oikos spatula
See, I told you I loved free stuff!!! How could you beat all that amazing chocolate?
The contest will run today (August 12) through Sunday night (August 15) at midnight MST. Here are the ways to enter:
- Mandatory Entry Method: watch one of these YouTube videos and leave a comment on something you learned about organics or organic farming.
- Follow myself and Stonyfield on Twitter and tweet the following message, “I want to win the chocolate indulgence giveaway from @heathersdish and @Stonyfield! https://tinyurl.com/32hf8rz.” Then leave a comment telling me you tweeted!
- Subscribe to my RSS feed and leave a comment telling me you did!
I’ll announce the winner on Monday morning! Enjoy guys!
I’m an RSS subscriber!
It’s crazy how much more pesticides impact infants than adults. SCARY!
p.s. I also subscribed. Loving your blog!!
I was really surprised to learn that organic dairy cows have a longer life expectancy that traditional dairy cows. Hooray for happy cows 🙂
The stuff I learned about pesticides was worrisome. I knew they were bad, but I had not realized that they were so far reaching.
I follow both on twitter & tweeted:
I watched the video Organic Benefits Everyone with Lyle and Kitty Edwards. I learned that in 1980 the dairy frmer got 50% of the retail dollar, but now they get only 28%.
Following you both!
I just twitted about your giveaway
I follow you on Twitter
I discovered that yogurt is similar to a mother’s milk and babies should start eating it at 6 months of age!
Followed and tweeted!
I learned that organic cows are happy cows!!
I subscribe too!
I was amazed at the blueberry process – they are one of my favorite fruits and I still can’t believe the process of harvesting – thanks for the chance to enter and have a great week-end.
And I follow you:)
I learned that you can give babies yogurt as early as 6 months. Must be the baby fever that made me look at that video.
I found it interesting that it is recommended that babies start eating yogurt at 6 months old. I always thought it was 12 months, like when they are to start n cows milk.
I already new that organic cows live longer, but I didn’t know how hard it was to grow organice peaches!
I subscribed to your feed 🙂
Hi! I learned about CROPP on the ‘organic benefits everyone’ video, which allows dairy farmers to get a higher % share of profits from their milk sales. I am a firm believer in organic (especially milk) and thought this was awesome. I took dairy science in college and have seen over 30 dairy farms (conventional and organic).
I follow you and stonyfield on twitter and just tweeted about the giveaway! Thank you!!!
I subscribed to your feed!
I just watched the video’s and learned that using pesticides not only harm the produce that we eat but also gets into the air,through the jet stream and water supply in the some states has been associated with stillbirths. So sad…
I watched “Growing the Organic Market” and learned that peaches are one of the most difficult fruits to grow organically. Thanks for the contest!
I tweeted
Bluberries from the forest woah!! Cool Beans right there!!
I love oikos! I didn’t know they made a chocolate flavor. These are great for lactose intolerant peeps like me. 🙂 Good luck!
what i learned and found really interesting was that organic cow have longer lifespans than non-organic cows!
I subscribed!
Chocolate yogurt! YUM!
i watched the video on Bode Miller. I thought it was facinating. i had no idea that he was a vegetarian and has remained that way his entire life. he grew up with organics and he has stayed true to that.
I’m following you on twitter and stonyfield
subscribed to feed!
i tweeted! ckane1975
Subscribed to your feed!
Followed you guys on twitter and tweeted! 🙂
I learned that their blueberries come from deep in the forest! That’s so cool. Around here (Oregon) it’s a much different story.
Sounds delicious! I don’t know half the things that go on yet in this blogging world. lol
I’m following you and Stonyfield on twitter!
Very cool giveaway, unfortunately there are too many requirements to lure me in. I’ll have to pass on this one.
Did want to leave a comment to say hi though! Hi!
I love Stonyfield Farms. They are easily one of my favorite companies. I learned about Climate Counts, which makes me feel positive about what companies can learn about going green.
I LOVED the video on family farming. My boyfriends family raises beef cattle & grows sweet corn, and- although they are not certified organic- I know how much work goes into what they do in order to minimize usage of pesticides & fertilizers. It’s a really incredible process and the guy in the video is so right- his normal customers are NOT the same as the customers buying organic!
Your in my Google Reader!
I tweeted!
I learned that organic cows live longer than normal cows!
You’re in my google reader
Agreed, it’s not tart:) High five!
I learned by not eating antiobiotics through meat we protect ourselves allowing us to take them later on in life.
I don’t need to be included in the giveaway but wanted to say…chocolate yogurt! yum! sounds like dessert to me:)
And I just tweeted your giveaway (@ahealthyslice)
Can you tell I want to win? 😉
I’m following you and Stonyfield!
I learned that you can rake blueberries instead of picking them one by one… talk about a time saver 😉
I found it interesting that organic dairy cows have a longer life expectancy than non-organic dairy cows.
Love Stonyfield, they use a lot of Vermont farms! 🙂
Tweeeeeeeeted 🙂
I have subscribed to your feed!!
I would love to win this fantastic giveaway…
I watched the why buy organic …it was intersting to learn that switching a childs diet to organic can actually remove pesticides from showing in a urinalysis…how powerful what we ingest it…
I think it’s cool that Stonyfield’s milk is produced from a co-op of farmers. It’s great that they support family farmers instead of monopolizing the market.