OK. So this is shockingly unimportant but I need your help deciding whether or not to keep growing my hair out!
Here’s the deal: for about 5 years now I’ve been dreaming of having long hair for the first time in my life…like REALLY long hair. My hair is curly and I keep it blond, so this is kind of what it would look like…you know, with my face.
Gorgeous, right?! Here’s the problem: I can’t seem to do anything with it. I wear it curly and it looks great, but the reality is that I wear my hair up all the time and when I do that it just falls flat from the sheer weight of the hair! And that’s just not a cute look for me…it needs to have some volume. Another problem is that it doesn’t seem to be growing any longer over the past couple months, despite regular trims, minimal heat styling, and the everyday regimen of prenatal vitamins.
Then I started thinking back to when it was shorter…I want to be able to pull it up without little hairs all over the back of my neck but also so that the ponytails and other hairstyles won’t fall flat when I pull it back. Something like this (although I’d take Heidi Klum’s face. I would):
I could wear it curly or straighten it easily at that length and it would still be longer, which I think is good for my face. So what do you think? Should I go for the cut? Or just keep working on growing it out?
I also have curly hair and I go back and forth between growing it out and cutting it shorter. I think that Heidi hair is much more cute than the other one…
Either way you’ll look great!
I have just recently cut my hair just above my shoulders. It was long and well past the shoulders before for a long time. Like you I have hair very similar to the first photo – I liked it because with the help of a few bobby pins and an elastic..I throw my hair up into a messy bun on top of my head and it seems to work. I can still do it with the medium style but I need a lot more bobby pins. If you like putting your hair up – make sure if you go medium cut that you still have enough hair for it to stay up..or else it definitely gets frustrating…but my vote? Long hair is fun 😉 also bangs are very fun with long locks! but with curly hair they need to be straightened daily! I just wrote you a novel on hair. I apologize.
I think you would look good either way but for me, the main thing to consider is how much time and effort you want to invest in your hair everyday: if you grow it long does that mean you will style it every day? and if you cut it does that mean it’ll be wash and wear? I cut off 8 inches from my hair earlier this year, so I went from mid-back to collarbone length (it has now grown past my shoulders) and as much as I love my long hair, having shorter hair was so liberating! But if you haven’t had long hair in a while, then for you that might be liberating! Sorry if I’m not much help, but my advice is to just consider your lifestyle and how you will wear/treat your hair 🙂
I am going through this same exact dilemma right now. I think I’m going to end up with the shoulder length so that gets my vote!
I read somewhere once that your hair is genetically programmed to only grow to a certain length. Not sure if that is true or not but I think the shoulder length style is great. Also, I saw something on pinterest about blaming Disney and their princesses for the unrealistic hair envy so many of us have. Ha!
I have similar hair – blonde and curly. I used to have long hair, like at my waist long. I agree that once it gets long, the volume goes kaput. I basically showered at night and braided my hair, so the curls/waves would last longer during the day. But once it’s up in a pony-tail, the curls didn’t look so great. I currently have it around shoulder length and am really enjoying it. Maybe give it another month before chopping it off?
Longer!! Love long hair for fall
I love your blog 🙂
Saw your post about hair … i’m a hairstylist! I say if it’s bothering you, cut it but not extreme. (Unless you’re positive that’s what you want!) You’d look darling either way, so don’t stress over it!! Super long hair is overrated though… once it’s that long it’s heavy, and you want to cut it (for the most part) anyway! haha! 🙂 Whatever you do, you’ll look great!!
Go longer, and then cut it short to donate the hair!
I like the shoulder length hair! 🙂
Heather – you will look beautiful no matter what, but I vote for the Heidi Klum look…you even look a lot like her! It would be very flattering. You could even do a longer version of it. 🙂
Keep growing it out! It’ll be a lot easier to change your mind and cut it short than the other way around.