This song is so stinking catchy, I’ve had it in my head since Saturday night when it came on at the Blogger Meet-Up! I used to walk or run to music, but now I just sing songs in my head, and this is a GOOD one for that!
Lunch today was a big mix of leftovers from the past couple of nights:
I had baked chicken fingers, gnocchi with bacon and peas, and roasted pork loin. YUM!
I walked 4.5 mph for an hour, then snacked on a 100-calorie bag of popcorn. I’m not a huge popcorn fan, but this is really all I have at my desk right now snack-wise, so I went with it.
As I’m sure you have all been reading all over BloggerLand today, tomorrow is the beginning of Lent. Now, I’m not Catholic, but I have always celebrated Lent because I do believe that it is in my best interest to give something up that I enjoy to gain a better understanding of the sacrifice of Jesus and his atonement for our sins. This year I’m planning on giving up meat (beef, pork, chicken, fish…all of it) for many reasons:
- I truly enjoy this food group and know that it will be hard and sacrificial to give it up. I believe that I will realize that several times a day, and during those times I plan to turn to God in prayer to thank him for His sacrifice, and his abundant provision for me.
- I believe that eating from the land will give me greater pleasure in the simple things I have been provided. I believe that by only eating vegetables and grains (and legumes) I’ll be garnering a stronger understanding of what my body needs and take pleasure in them.
- I want to honor God with my body, and knowing that I am not my own, I am going to focus on consuming food in a way that will honor God. I will focus on not being obsessed with eating, but rather enjoy it in a way that honors God, giving thanks for it and being more thankful towards God than I am towards the meal itself.
My hope is that I would grow stronger in my walk with the Lord through this and come out a stronger person on the other end. I don’t plan on becoming a vegetarian or anything, but I do believe that this is a good step for me to take both spiritually and physically. I don’t really want to do it, but I think that’s probably a sign that I should.
Are you giving anything up for Lent? If so, what is it? If you’re not, have you ever had to give something up that you really didn’t want to? How did that affect you as a person?
Michelle says
Oh giving up meat will be a tough one. You have some solid reasons, though, so I’m sure you’ll be successful. 🙂
I gave up artificial sweeteners at the beginning of the year. That has been very hard!
Mary says
I had not orginally planned on giving up anything for Lent. But reading your blog, made me think “Why not?” I would love to have a closer relationship w/ GOD and I feel this is a step in the right direction. So, I would like to Thank you. I will be giving up meat. Beef, Pork and Chicken. I will have fish and seafood on occasion. But considering that I do eat meat daily, this will be a good thing to give up.
Can You Stay for Dinner says
That mix of leftovers dinner looks really yummy!
Thanks for sharing your plans for Lent. I’m not giving anything up but I just posted about wanting to add something to my life. Yoga.
livelifeeatright says
I’m not super religious but I always give up something for lent. This year I’m giving up caffeinated beverages and day one has been a struggle so far. I think meat would be difficult, because it is such a staple food. When I go a few days without it I find my body craving it. Good luck!!
Christie @ Honoring Health says
I have had to give up a lot of foods because of food allergies and other health issues, namely gluten, peppers, most fruit, sugar and now it seems coconut oil and possibly almonds.
Bah. I make due with what I have.
Jacqui says
I am giving up sweetener in my coffee and tea. I actually think this will be good for me and hard at the same time. I was going to try the meat thing, but hubby is to much of a meat eater…good luck!!
thewaterfaucet says
I am taking something on – instead of giving something up. I’ve decided to write a letter to someone every day. That makes around 48 letters. I am doing this because I want to use my time to promote good in others lives.
In the past I have given up lipstick, bread, sweets, etc. This time, I’m trying something new. We will see how it goes.
Good luck with the vegetarianism. I hope your Lent is a time of great insight and union with God.
Beth (fatbustermack) says
good luck with going meatless! I was a veg for like 5 years, it was a great experience. I’m going to add in tracking my food every day for lent. I need to get back in the habit!
Whitney says
I’m giving up meat too! I tried it last year and almost made it. I recommend looking up Deborah Madison. She has some great vegetarian cookbooks- I have her soup and vegetarian suppers- they are seasonal and are full of flavor. My husband basically goes meatless with me since I cook and when I make her meals he usually doesn’t even notice!
louisianagrown says
The Catholic school that I went to my entire life really left a sour taste in my mouth, and I’ve been disillusioned with the church since the day I graduated. I’ve decided that I will never have a relationship with God and the church if I don’t seek one out, so for Lent I am going to mass every Sunday. I’ve always liked the idea of taking things on instead of giving things up.
I hope your meat challenge goes well!
Ashley says
Stock UP on Greek yogurt!! Just a great way to get in a lot of protein…it helps me feel balanced. I only eat meat maybe once every week or two and yogurt helps. Also, tik tok is always in my head too! As is Kesha, “blah blah blah” love it! I don’t listen to music when I run either 😉
FoodCents says
I will not be giving up anything for Lent, as Lent does not fall into my personal belief/spiritual ways. I support others in doing so, though and am curious to read about how the next 40 days goes for everyone.
I had to give up a number of foods, a few years back, when I was going through some medical stuff. During this time I learned all the great alternatives that exist for those who are unable to eat gluten. When I was able to eat items with gluten in them, they tasted that much better.
I have a number of food allergies, so I have had to give up certain foods for long periods at a time to assess how they were playing into my overall well being.
Best of luck to you, Heather. Today has been beautiful, huh?
Jennifer says
So, I’m not Catholic either, but I did decide that I really wanted to try and go vegetarian as well! I really don’t eat a lot meat to begin with (mostly chicken and turkey) but I knew that it would still be difficult, especially when my husband’s home on the weekends. I’m excited to see where this leads in not only my diet, but also to see how the Lord touches my life during these next 40 days.
Good luck to you!
Madeline - Greens and Jeans says
I am a “retired Catholic” and I hadn’t really planned on giving anything up for Lent this year. Growing up I gave up peanut butter almost every year, which was always INCREDIBLY difficult!
Salah says
I’m giving up CHEESE and CHIPS!!! This is going to be a hard one as well because I L-O-V-E cheese especially but I’m excited to see how it brings me closer to the Lord