Wow, the past 5 weeks have FLOWN by! I honestly didn’t think that this little series would come to mean so much to so many of you, but I am blessed beyond belief to know that it has touched many of you guys. What would you think about a little ebook on all of this? Please let me know – I only ever want to write something that would help and encourage others! In case you missed the first four parts of the “This IS My Real Job” series, here they are:
The Road to Blogging for a Living
A Day in the Life
Blogger-to-Blogger Relationships
Successfully Working with Bloggers (and not selling yourself short if you are a blogger)
When I first started writing this series I had no idea where I wanted to take it. It almost became more of a way for me to really fill in the gaps of what all this job entails. Like I said in the first post, I wanted it to be part explanation and part proclamation about what being a professional blogger entails, and I believe that I’ve done more than what I originally set out to do! And through all of your emails and comments and messages I’ve been able to understand more about my chosen profession as well – so THANK YOU ALL for that!
Basically what I’ve seen is that over time I’ve morphed into a better person because of blogging. I’ve forced myself to work harder than I thought I could or would, I’ve worried and fretted, I’ve made mistakes, I’ve been successful, I’ve lost really huge contracts with companies based on my beliefs, I’ve come away with even better options for me and my family. I’ve been more creative than I ever thought possible, and have been forced to become much more business-minded than I originally thought I ever wanted to be. And all along the way, all the times I’ve beat myself up over stuff or was jealous of what other bloggers had, the Lord has provided everything and then some. He’s provided the email from someone thanking me for a post when I thought I would quit the next day. He’s provided the financial opportunities when I really didn’t know how I could make it work. He’s given me an incredible group of people who so graciously read my posts and try my recipes and who have become true friends.
So this whole blogging gig? I think I’ll keep doing it as long as the Lord lets me!
When I worked for Starbucks something they always said was that we should always be able to deal with ambiguity. Work through the uncertainty to find a resolution on the other side. I always find that the future is so ambiguous, isn’t it? Even if you know exactly what you want to do, there’s always going to be a hitch in there somewhere. That’s just life, and it’s our job to navigate through it all. When I reflect on blogging so far I can see how so many times I thought I was just SURELY going to do one thing, and sure enough I end up going the other direction.
Originally I thought this was going to be all about restaurant reviews in the Denver/Boulder area. Turns out that’s a pricy endeavor. I thought I was going to be a healthy living blogger forever. Then I got tired of posting my random meals and workouts and feeling like I needed to do it multiple times a day. I thought I was only going to post recipes with humor and a side of sass. Alas that wasn’t me either. And while I love exactly where I am now – a mix of all sorts of random things – I now know better than to commit to being one type of blogger forever. I do know this, though: I still love blogging. I still love sharing food and life with you guys. I adore the ways the Lord is using me and using others in my life to impact the world through this little corner of the internet.
So the future? All I know is that, while the ambiguity scares me a bit at times, I’m OK with going wherever this blog takes me. I hope that it takes me in directions that are encouraging and life-giving to others, where relationships are formed and nurtured and long-lasting. I hope to travel more, to create better content, to improve my photography and to work on my writing. I also am hoping to do more videos for you guys now that my hubby is in the biz, although I hope you don’t mind all the ukulele music. Because that’s not going to stop 😉 That’s the great thing about blogging for me: I can be happy with how things have gone, but there’s always room for improvement. There’s always a new way to create and grow.
The list of things I’ve wanted to be in my life is fairly extensive:
- Olympic gymnast (yeah, I’m 5’10” – no future there)
- Editor-in-Chief of any number of magazines
- Physical therapist
- Nutritionist
- Sales manager for international hotels
- Head chef
- Restauranteur
- Teacher
- Stylist
- Book editor
- Writer
But now that I’ve hit almost 30 years on this planet I can’t imagine anything else I’d rather do for a career than exactly what I’m doing right now. It’s ambiguous. It’s a little weird, and a lot of times people don’t get it. The money isn’t always pouring in, but this career has been one of the biggest blessings. So thank you all for being part of it with me!
Here’s where I admit something: when it comes to answering questions about site design and how to do all of the highly technical stuff behind blogging, I’m pretty much zero help. There are also so many more perspectives out there than just mine, and my story is certainly NOT the end-all be-all of blogging. I know how to use my camera and can understand all of the technical terms, but when it comes to really explaining them I’m not the best person to ask. I’m more the tell-it-like-it-is type when it comes to blogging and the relational aspect of it all! In that light, below are some of my favorite resources for most things blogging-related, and I hope that you take the time to check them out!
Tasty Food Photography
Photography 101
Food Photography Tutorials
Food Blogger Pro
How to Start a Blog
ProBlogger (need I say more?)
The Influence Network
How to Start a Blog: A Beginner’s Guide to Successful Blogging
If you guys have questions about anything else blogging-related please do not ever hesitate to ask! I can’t promise I’ll actually know the answer, but I promise to work with you to try and figure it out. This community is big enough for everyone, so if you want to be part of it I just can’t encourage you enough!
Y’all are incredible. Amazing. Stupendous. And you make what I do for a living worth it 🙂
Much love,
I just devoted my time from the night before and this morning to read all posts in the series. So far it was delighting Heather.
There are some sides where I have already done it as a blogger, there also some lesson I can pick up from you as a better blogger from a professionalism perspective.
All these posts really turn the light of blogging spirit on me that about to go off into a brighter condition. Once again thanks Heather.
Good morning from Indonesia.
qI just found your blog through this post on pinterest. I can’t wait to read more on this series and then some. I just started blogging two months ago and love everything about it. I currently work in the food industry and am so ready to get out of this field and blog full time. Thank you for sharing this. I hope you have a wonderful day!
I’m so glad you’re here Tiffany!
Just read your whole series- Very Insightful 🙂 Thank You!
Hi Heather! I don’t know if you remember me, but we met at Foodbuzz 2011 when you were pregnant. You & Kellie let me tag along with you at the cocktail hour when I had come by myself and didn’t know a soul! You crossed my mind today and I found my way to your blog and this series. Thank you for this! I loved reading your path to blogging as your job and hope to implement your advice. P.S. Your baby boy is adorable!!
KARA!!! Of course I remember you! I’m so glad you stopped by – this little series was a long time in the making, and it makes me so glad that other people are reading it and are encouraged by it! And thank you – I have to admit I think Wes is pretty adorable too 😉
This has been a wonderful series, Heather. Thanks for being so open and honest with your experiences and thoughts. I, for one, hope that you will be blogging for a long time to come.
Thank you so much Dara – you are so sweet! I hope I’m blogging for a while longer too 😉
Love the series. Keep it up! I an finding new photogaphy resources too, and i thought i had a few of them.
Thank you Ewa!
I love what your blog has transformed into, Heather. I really look up to you as a blogger and as a woman (and I love that your beliefs are so central to all of what you do). Thank you for sharing this!
Thank you Megan – you have no idea how encouraging your comment is 🙂
Thanks so much for the roundup of great links, Heather! I’m going to go and check them out right now!
You are so fantastic for sharing all of this info – in such a real manner – with everyone. I for one would have liked to see you as the first 5’10” olympic gymnast though. Go for it for the tall girls 🙂
Thank you Kristen! I think an almost 30-year-old 5’10’ Olympic gymnast would probably turn some heads, right? 😉
So I asked about food photography a few minutes ago…I should have waited. 😉 Thanks for sharing some great resources…and thank you for being such an encouragement for moms like me trying to figure out where to head while the babes are growing up! 🙂
Hey Melissa! I saw both of your comments, and the links on here are truly TRULY fantastic. The only other thing I would mention that’s a really good resource is an actual book (I would only recommend buying the physical copy – not on a Kindle or anything), and it’s called Plate to Pixel by Helene Dujardin!
Thank you so much for this series! I just found your blog and read all these posts. They are so helpful and inspiring. I wish more bloggers would be open about this topic!
I’m so glad you like it Lauren! When I started writing it I didn’t really know exactly where I wanted it to go, but I’m so thankful that it forced me to get more personal!
We are so proud of you!
Thank you Mommy!!! 🙂
Thanks Heather,
I really enjoyed this series! Congrats on your success the past 4 years. I’ve been blogging for 4 years this month, and my life has completely changed because of it!!! It’s amazing the opportunities that have come my way because of my blog…all the wonderful women I’ve met and the growth I’ve experienced as a person. There are truly no words.
Most importantly I’ve found is letting God take the lead….He never steers me wrong, and I’ve been blessed beyond measure in how He’s used me in other’s lives online as a result. 😉
YES 🙂 Perfectly said Denise! Isn’t it amazing how something so seemingly simple can be so life-changing?!
I have loved this series. It has been such an inspiration. Thank you for doing it.
I’m so glad you’ve liked it Karen!!!
Such a great post!! I’m definitely going to take a look at those photography posts. I always need a bit more guidance in that!
I’ve been using my camera for years but I will always take the advice and guidance of those who study photography more in-depth than I do. At the very least it gives tons of inspiration!
I just want to say you are such a huge encouragement to me so thank you for that. This series has been informative and super helpful – an ebook sounds great! Finally, thank you for being authentic as a blogger by not “losing your voice” in the sea of blogs. 🙂 Keep up the awesomeness.
Thank you Iradis 🙂 I feel like I DID lose my voice for a very long time, but hopefully a little maturation was all I needed to see that’s what was happening 😉 You are such a sweetheart!