Hey y’all! How is your Tuesday treatin’ you? Mine’s par for the course so far!
Thanks so much for your sweet comments last night! We are going through the Song of Solomon in church right now, and were challenged to write a love note to our spouse. The things I wrote were all things I don’t say enough to Nate, and I wanted him to be able to see any time how much I love him 🙂 We also experienced the death of a very dear friend yesterday, and it really made me think: our time here isn’t guaranteed, so I want to make the most of it and tell the people I love how much I truly love and appreciate them. Have you told your family and friends how much they mean to you lately?
Last night we had an amazing display of friendship and community at our house! Our good friends Robbie + Stefanie came over to help Nate and I clean our disgusting house! It’s been a very stressful thing for me to not have a nice clean house for a while (I like to say we’re too busy, but the reality is that we don’t want to give up our free time to clean), and knowing that they came an helped! I don’t have a picture yet, but the house looks great (with the exception of our room + bathroom – blech!). We fed them in return, although that certainly wasn’t enough payment for how awesome they are 🙂
We had taco/burrito bowls! It was brown rice (just regular cooked in water), fat free refried beans, taco chicken (ground chicken + low sodium taco seasoning = taco chicken), cheddar cheese, guacamole, fresh salsa, sour cream, lettuce, and chips. I tried to fix mine up nice and pretty for the picture, but as soon as the camera was off I mixed it all together! So good!
Dessert was about 1/4 cup of Haagen Dazs Five Vanilla Bean ice cream with sliced strawberries on top :
They ended up cleaning the entire kitchen and vacuuming the entire house (TOLD you they were good friends!!!) while Nate and I sorted through laundry and started to tackle the office. We’ve got a long way to go, but I’m hoping in the coming weeks I can show you all some before and after house photos 🙂
We talked for a while after the cleaning spree, and just enjoyed spending time together! I love these guys, they’re such great friends 🙂 Wish I had a picture I could post, but I can’t find one!
This morning I had the same Breakfast Cookie as yesterday, but with a spoonful of ice cream on top! I let it melt into the cookie while it was still warm – HOLY YUM!!! I won’t be doing this every day, but it was heavenly!
And, even though it’s not Friday, I had time today and stopped by Starbucks for a small coffee. Sometimes me getting Starbucks isn’t about craving coffee or thinking they’re the be-all-end-all of beverages, but it’s convenient and I just want something in my hands 🙂 ‘Twas yummy, and I sipped on it while answering emails.
The rest of the day should be fairly slow: there’s a massive trade show in downtown Denver, and my company always has a rockin’ booth! Most of the guys in the department are off setting things up (let them get gross and sweaty!!!), and Nate took the puppers home so I could work out on my lunch break and not have to leave them in the car. Then it’s a quick trip home and then off to Rebecca’s for community group!
What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever done to help a friend or that they’ve done to help you? Or, for an easier question, what’s your favorite Pandora station? I need some new suggestions!
Hello! I am new to your blog, but your taco/burrito bowl looks divine!
welcome! thanks, and it’s super easy too! 🙂
Well… if you’re a fan of the show Glee and also enjoy Disney music and showtunes, try the Glee station. All the music is so happy and sing-along-able, it puts me in a great mood!
Awwww…I love that love letter idea! For Valentine’s day last year, I gave my husband a list of the things I love about him, and he really appreciated it. I need to do things like that more…and not just for holidays or anniversaries 🙂
oh my gosh , stef and robbie are the best!!! very cool they came over to help. 🙂
i am so sorry to hear about your loss, heather….
i look forward to hanging out tonight. 🙂
to answer your question, i put together a “clean sweep” for my mom’s house several years ago and it was SOOO awesome to have my dearest friends and family members come together to decltter and clean her house. it was a BIG task and she was so blessed by everyone’s selflessness.
also, my current favorite pandora station is Indie Dance/Electro (although sometimes i have to skip to the next one cuz it’s too weird!) and Alternative/Indie Rock. I also love me some Old Time Country & Contemporary Christian.
Ok, back to cleaning the house for tonight! 🙂