This weekend I celebrated my Texan-ness in two very big ways.
Friday night I went to a Pat Green concert. Now, if you’ve never been to Texas (or, shall I say, never gone to college in Texas) it’s not very likely that you know about Texas Country. Yes, there is such a thing and yes, it’s distinctly Texan. When I was in college I felt the need to revolt again all things fraternity/sorority including the music “they” listened too. Well, I just have to say that God has funny plans. I married a man who was in a fraternity, joined a sorority myself, and fell in love with Pat Green.
Have I mentioned that life is funny? And have I mentioned that I love Texas?
The concert was a lot of fun but let’s put it in perspective: while the music was absolutely fantastic (still obsessively listening to it) it was in a honky-tonk. There were pretty ladies everywhere in what I would normally call, even in my pre-pregnancy days, insufficient clothing. Too much makeup. But still, very pretty. And me? Yes, I was there…in my leggings and maternity shirt. I may have felt a smidge out of place, but only til Nate put his arms around me and we sang along with the songs all night.
Yes, I celebrated my Texas that night. And it was glorious.
But wait, didn’t I say I did it twice this weekend? I did, right?
I did indeed. Have y’all ever heard of Texas Chocolate Sheet Cake? Because I would venture to say that if you’ve not only never heard of it AND never tried it you probably haven’t lived. I know that’s a big statement but this is a BIG chocolate cake…and I’m not just talking size. It’s huge on chocolate and decadence and probably the easiest thing ever to make.
I wish I could say that I have my own recipe, but I don’t. Use this recipe for Texas Chocolate Sheet Cake – it won’t lead you astray. And when you need a massive chocolate fix or a taste of the vastness that is my beloved home state? There’s really only one thing that will do, and this is it.
Oh, and one more thing – if you get a little crazy blame it on the alcohol chocolate cake. 🙂
Tina @ Faith Fitness Fun says
I have never heard of this cake…but something that dense, fudgy, and chewy looking sounds perfect for me.
Carolyn@LivingOriental says
Oh my geeze! That cake look so delicious! I LOVE CHOCOLATE :)!
Sylvie @ Gourmande in the Kitchen says
Yes I have heard of Texas Sheet Cake and it is delicious! I could eat this whole cake myself if left to my own devices.
Ashley says
I wish I had a piece of that as dessert right now!
Denise @ Creative Kitchen says
Sounds like a FUN night!! Especially hanging with hubby 🙂
Urban Wife says
I’ve never heard of Pat Green but I have heard of Texas Chocolate Cake and it looks AMAZING!! As in, I want to face plant right now. Mmk.
Anne says
I’ve never been to Texas but I loved Pat Green in high school (haven’t heard him in years, though)! And you can be sure I don’t turn down cake:)
Jenny says
Ok that is the most moist looking piece of chocolatey goodness…..looks insanely yummy!
Jen of My Tiny Oven says
I so wish I had a peice of this for breakfast! Looks amazing!
alex says
I have never been to Texas, but I LOVE Texas sheet cake. How fantastic that you don’t have to let it cool before you frost it?!! I love how you added the cute!
brandi says
One of my grandmother’s specialties is Texas Sheet Cake. She makes it for every church fellowship and for most of our birthdays. You just can’t compare anything else to it. All that butter makes for a good cake 🙂
Tracy says
Live in Texas, love Pat Green & yes, had some Texas Chocolate Sheet Cake last week for my husband’s birthday. Yours looks delish. Love your blog & congratulations!
Kelli H (Made in Sonoma) says
mmmmmmmmmmm looks delish!
Estela @ Weekly Bite says
I love Pat Green 🙂 And I love that cake 🙂
Anna @ On Anna's Plate says
Hahaha…Pat Green totally reminds me of going to visit my sister and friends at TCU 🙂
This looks just like the sheet cake my mom makes for our birthdays every year!! You can’t beat it!
Jessica @ How Sweet says
i would do anything for a piece of this right now.
Gina @ Running to the Kitchen says
Pat Green opened for a Kenny Chesney concert I saw a few years ago. Unfortunately, it was a really bad opener and it turned me off to him since. Chocolate cake however, that always has my heart 🙂
Alison @ Ingredients, Inc. says
looks fabulous!!