Stonyfield is the best. No really, just the best! First of all their yogurt is great. It’s organic, it’s delicious, and it’s something that I can really stand behind. Now they’re solidified their awesome status by making frozen yogurt bars! Now tell me that isn’t going to be crazy delicious, right?
The amazing team at Stonyfield is offering a fantastic summer-in-a-box giveaway to you guys including the following:
Ø Two coupons for Stonyfield Frozen Yogurt Bars in two delicious flavors: Gotta Have Vanilla, and After Dark Chocolate. These bars, made with organic milk, are dipped in rich dark chocolate, and contain four live and active cultures, keeping you healthy while enjoying a sweet treat.
Ø Badger After-Sun Balm: A certified organic treat for sun-parched skin. Made with moisturizing plant butters and infused with soothing Blue Tansy and Lavender to make your skin feel smooth and leave you feeling calm.
Ø Dr. Hauschka Melissa Day Cream: This new 100% natural moisturizer is perfect for combination skin. Formulated with extracts of melissa (lemon balm), it smells like fresh squeezed lemonade. Additionally, extracts of anthyllis, carrot, witch hazel and English daisy soothe, soften and even the complexion so shine is controlled and skin is moisturized.
Ø Tom’s of Maine: Simply White, the first and only clinically proven natural whitening toothpaste to earn an ADA seal, helps bring back the natural beauty of your smile. The Daily Moisture Body Bar has an ultra-rich bar soap formula that contains premium moisturizing olive oil, natural vitamin E and leaves your skin clean and fresh. Beautiful Earth Deodorant works to inhibit the growth of odor-causing bacteria and its natural, refreshing fragrance helps mask odor.
Ø Uncle Matt’s Organic Lemonade and Juices: By buying Uncle Matt’s fresh fruit and juice you’re helping more than 20 small growers that make up their family of farms. That’s one of the reasons they’re proud to be family owned and organically grown. Use this free coupon to pick up your choice of organic juice or lemonade and quench your thirst for summer!
All you have to do is leave a comment on this post telling me (and our friends at Stonyfield) what organic means to you OR how you’re incorporating organics into your summer lifestyle!
Additional entries can be added (leave a comment for each one you do) by:
- following Heather’s Dish on Twitter
- liking Heather’s Dish on Facebook
- subscribing to Heather’s Dish (on the left sidebar)
Contest is open to U.S. residents only. Contest ends midnight on Thursday July 21. Winner will be announced on Friday afternoon!
Now if you’ll excuse me I’m off to eat my weight in frozen yogurt bars!
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I am growing my own garden… 🙂
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To me, organic means that I’m getting healthier food for my body with out all the added chemicals.
I love the farmers markets in the summer – it’s the first thing I do on Saturdays to get our organic produce, meats and eggs. However, I just started buying organic milk products last week!
I’m trying to stay organic by helping my friends and neighbors with their gardens this summer…and by helping I most certainly mean eating whatever they give me! 😉
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I incorporate organic into my summer lifestyle by buying stonyfield yogurt as a weekly staple, and planting my own herb garden!
I subscribed via email. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
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To me organic means…there’s less artificial or addtional junk (additives, chemicals, hormones) in my food. It’s closer to the way the good Lord intended for food to be consumed.
I incorporate organics by buying local and always looking for organic labels when at the store. No need to add hidden chemicals to any of my recipes!
I try to buy as many organic foods as possible, but like many focus mostly on the “dirty dozen”.
i am choosing more organic foods so i don’t have to worry about mystery ingredients and organic yogurt is so yummy. i can’t wait to try the frozen yogurt bars!
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I’ve been buying more organic produce – the difference in taste is very noticeable and worth the extra cost.
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I have been trying to buy more organic fruits, vegetables and dairy this summer as we get ready for our little one to arrive!
I try to incorporate organic fruits and veggies into my diet.
In order to limit expenses, my husband and I focus on the “dirty dozen” when it comes to buying organic (produce that has the most pesticides). So we always buy organic apples, spinach, berries, peppers, etc. Our year-round farmers’ market certainly helps make this possible!
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I incorporate organics by purchasing organic produce (mostly things that are on the dirty dozen list) and I am trying to switch to more natural cleaners and personal care products.
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I am loving eating organic this summer by shopping at the local farmers market and grilling lots of fresh, organic veggies!
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Ever since seeing “The Story of Stuff” and hearing about the crazy, harmful chemicals in most beauty products, I’ve been trying to switch to organic/less harmful products. It’s pricey and sometimes challenging to find organic ingredients, but I know it’s worth it! I also visit the Farmer’s Market in my neighborhood every Saturday
I just found out I have new little bun in the oven (our first!), so organic to me means getting pure, natural nutrients without unnecessary chemicals in my body to give our baby the healthiest start possible.
Watching my 4 “babies” enjoy all their fruits and veggies and just knowing that they aren’t getting any of the extra pesticides and fertilizers. What a good feeling!
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Frequent trips to farmers’ markets and my CSA are helping me eat organically and locally this summer – great giveaway!
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Organic for us means buying & eating foods that aren’t processed as well as supporting local business by shopping at the farmer’s markets. We also love Stonyfield and hope to win this sweet giveaway!
Organic to me means grown without chemicals. I am a even bigger fan of locally grown organics : ) My little man and I hunt the produce section for the little sticker that says “VA Grown Organic.” He get’s super excited when he finds them, which also means he gets super excited to eat them…and I am good with that!
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Stonyfield is where my organic kick all started back in high school! This summer I’m getting all my produce from my own container garden or the organic farmer’s market downtown. And you know what? Local and organic just TASTES better!
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I’ve moved back home for the summer, and my family doesn’t lead quite the healthy lifestyle that I try to. I’ve been trying to force them into it by buying from the organic section of the grocery store and going to the farmers market on the weekend to find fresh and local oganic food 🙂
Wow! I love all of those things! We use organic fruits and veggies exclusively! We get them at the farmer’s market and use them for our 75% raw lifestyle. Often times when I make juice, I leave the skin on the fruits and veggies. When I buy organic, I don’t worry about weird junk getting in my juice or homemade baby food!
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I try to incorporate as much organic produce as I can afford into my summer diet. Especially greens like arugula and spinach, but also by buying Stonyfield Yogurt as much as possible. Great Giveaway!
I am learning how much bad stuff is in the foods we eat. I am trying to get back to basics the way nature intended. Organic just tastes better and I feel better! Love the prize!!
Organic means to me growing our own garden, healthy sustainable seafood, and no harsh chemicals.
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to me, organic means eating clean and putting the best things possible into my body.
I am trying out new organic lotions + body products this summer — along with fresh organic + sustainably raised veggies at the market. Love your blog!
And I subscribe to your blog! =)
@JennsAdventures follows you on twitter:)
I try to incorporate organic is everything I use/eat… Organic to me translates to leaving mother nature to do what it does best, leaving the unnatural out of natural.
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Incorporating organics into my summer lifestyle by buying local, fresh produce weekly as well as eating a minimally processed, overall clean diet.
I joined a CSA this summer so I’m totally enjoying all organic and locally grown veggies – love it!
I like to use organic, but especially organic eggs! I think they’re actually fluffier when scrambled.. or maybe its my imagination 🙂
I’m incorporating organic into my diet this summer with Yoforia froyo made with Stoneyfield organic yogurt!
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oh my gosh YAY! I’m so excited about this giveaway! I’ve been incorporating organic products into my summer lifestyle from foods to beauty and cleaning products. Now I’ve just got to get the rest of my friends on board 🙂
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I LOVE Stonyfield! I always have their yogurt in the fridge, and usually buy a pint of their froyo every few weeks.
Organic means to me, that I’m supporting smaller businesses (sometimes), and businesses that I truly stand behind. It means that I’m putting pure ingredients in my body free of chemicals, hormones, and other funky stuff. I want to give my body the best that I can.
I eat more organic fruits during the summer because I’m a big fan of berries, which are on the top of the list in dirty dozen. Blueberries, strawberries, blackberries – I love them all!
I’m a FB fan as 365 Days of Baking!
Using organic products means I have to worry less about what I’m putting on or into my body and my family’s. Making healthy choices at the start of the process means less money we’re having to spend at the doctor’s later.
I try to incorporate more organic products into my meals by buying local produce when it’s available and only buying organic eggs/dairy products.
I follow you on Twitter. @j3nndotnet
Organic means a lot to me, especially when compared to the over processing that goes on with so many foods. I love that companies like stony field make such a great effort to sell wholesome products. 🙂
Awesome giveaway! I try to buy organic whenever I can, especially for meat and certain fruits and veggies. I like to support those farmers as much as I can afford to.
We are loving exploring joining a CSA full of fresh organic veggies and fruits this summer. I love the idea of putting things in my body that are clean, pure and fresh; that’s what organic means to me.
um this giveaway is awesome!! we eat a lot of organic foods and our veggie garden is all organic. I am most obsessed with organic when it comes to my baby daughter, though – I don’t want pesticides and weird hormones in/on her to the extent I can help it. thanks for the chance 🙂
This is awesome! I always buy organic when I can, especially foods that are in the dirty dozen. Organic is important to me because I don’t want to put garbage into my body!
To me, organic means being kind to the planet and my body.
I incorporate organic products into my diet as much as I can. This one of the reasons I love Trader Joe’s so much because they have so many organics at affordable prices. To me, organic means natural, from the earth, undisturbed. And that’s the way I prefer it.
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Organic means having to worry less about what I’m eating and knowing that the already good for me produce is even BETTER for me.
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Organic to me in the summer is buying as much possible from my local farmers who I know are organic after speaking to them, yet don’t have the labeling. Fine by me, b/c then they can pass that savings on to me and my fruits & veggies are still pesticide free!
Annnnd I subscribe via reader. Does that count? better 😉
And on Twitter. obviously.
Follow on Facebook. duh.
For me and my husband, buying organic means one less thing to worry about. As often as our budget allows we purchase organic meats, fresh fruits and veggies and anything else we can find. Including organic ingredients in our lifestyle helps us to feel better about ourselves and what we eat.
Oooo fun prize pack. I get the organic co-op basket each week or I shop organic at the farmers market. Love you lots!
I am incorporating locally-grown, organic fruits and veggies from my farmer’s market!
We incorporate organic into our year round lifestyle. Organic means not having to worry about weird mutated chemicals in my kid’s food!