So, even though I don’t advertise it on here all the time, I think it’s probably fairly common knowledge that this girl loves her red meat (provided it’s prepared well, of course). Had you asked me a couple of years ago I would’ve said I hated it, but during my “Meat Class” (really, it was a class about meat) in college my professor stood at the front and described the flavor in a great steak. Next time I tried it, I found out he was right! There are so many great flavors in a good cut of red meat – earthy, slightly sweet, buttery – and I fell in love. Now, it’s a bit heavy, so I try not to eat it very often, but when I do I make or get the good stuff!
Tonight is no exception, but let’s do lunch real fast!
Today was one of my coworker’s last day, so we ordered pizza to celebrate his time with our company! I believe this is from Abo’s, and it was FANTASTIC!!! I’m a sucker for a great crust and perfect sauce, and this place had them both!
The slices are as follows from left to right: supreme (pepperoni, onion, mushrooms, olive, green peppers), tomato basil, and Greek (artichokes, red onions, spinach, and feta). The slices were really small, so I had one more tomato basil and a ton of water. Very good!
Now, on to dinner. As I was saying, I really love steak – GOOD steak that you don’t have to season a lot because the flavor is so good. I normally just season mine with salt and pepper and brush it with olive oil, but tonight I decided to try Ellie Krieger’s Cowboy Steak and Honey Roasted Sweet Potatoes. OH.MY.GOSH. This steak was right up there with the simple seasoning, and the added coffee was perfection! My mouth is watering right now just thinking about it:
I had about 6 oz of this bad boy, and wanted so badly to go back for more! I’m thinking dinner for tomorrow night is already made now 🙂 The sweet potatoes were OK; they were better with a little salt sprinkled on top, but I really didn’t think they needed the honey sauce since they are so sweet anyway. Next time I’d be more likely to just bake a sweet potato and eat it alongside the steak plain. Still, not bad!
I also broke down and made my Easy + Not Healthy Mac ‘N’ Cheese. I’ve been craving it for a while, and I figured I might as well make it tonight. Good news is there’s no more Velveeta in the fridge, and I won’t be buying any more anytime soon; the bad news is I probably ate more than I should have. I DID stop when it didn’t taste good anymore, but the bad thing is it tastes good for a while 🙂 Oh well, no dessert for me tonight! Here’s the plate all put together:
So, just to make sure y’all understand, I was considering becoming a vegetarian, but thanks to this steak I don’t think I can. I mean, it’s just that good. I might still try all-veggie for Lent, but that’s because I really do love meat and chicken and fish so much that it truly would be a sacrifice to not eat it for 40 days. If it leads to something after that, then fine, and if not, it’s still fine!
Also, I tried 30-Day Shred tonight. HOLY COW. I didn’t believe that 20 minutes could be that intense, and all I did was the Level 1 workout! To be honest I could’ve stepped it up to Level 2, but I just wanted to see what to expect first. It was a great workout, and is definitely going to be a great addition to my workouts! In other news, I also found chia seeds at Whole Foods (thanks Ash! Couldn’t have done it without ya!) I’m thinking either a smoothie or oatmeal tomorrow morning to try it out…any suggestions?
As I consider the veggie-only thing for Lent, I’m wondering: for all you vegetarians out there, what made you choose to go all-veggie? Was it to be more humane to animals, because you don’t like meat, dietary reasons? If you’re a meat lover like me, what do you love about meat? Do you think you could ever go without it? I’d love to hear your honest answers!
oh my gosh, that steak looks sooo good! we are meat eaters, so we will never turn down a yummy dish as that….i am going to get the recipe right now…i, also made mac and cheese with velveeta the other night….one of my fave comfort foods!! thanks for the yummy posts!
Ohhhh Abo’s, how I miss thee…… pretty tasty pizza and brings back memories of college in Boulder:)
I love GOOD read meat. If I had to, I could be veggie. Until then, I will enjoy my good meat. Red meat is one of the few things that can literally make my mouth water. I would pick it over sugar in a heartbeat.
That pizza looks awesome!!! Definitely looks like the type I like. I’ll have to check it out. I have rarely been eating meat lately anyway so I think I am going to try the vegetarian for a month + see what happens. I might do a vegan week too..we’ll see!
yeah the 30dayshred is insane!! i can never do it two days in a row!
i was also thinking of giving up meat for lent but im training for a half marathon so not sure if it’s smart to switch up my diet (altho i do eat mostly veggies now)…still have a couple of days to think about it!
I don’t eat much meat but doubt that I would ever stop eating it completely. I eat mostly poultry and fish and aim for only about 5 or 6 servings of meat per week. I just feel a lot better when I limit the amount that I eat.
I do love a good steak from time to time but it doesn’t agree with me at all. I will eat it when I am craving it though because that usually means my iron is low.
Honey roasted sweet potatoes sound so good right now. Something I’d love to eat for breakfast. I love potatoes in the morning.
totally…there were plenty of leftovers, so I’m going to serve them with goat cheese a al Fitnessista tonight!
You know, I’m really thinking I might go meatless for Lent with you. I’m just scared of what it will mean for family meals. Everything we eat has meat in it. Let me know if you really decide to do it, we can make a little support team!
That dinner looks divine!
I love meat, but actually went vegetarian for a full year back in 2006. I did it due to ethical reasons, as I’m very against the meat industry.
However, I simply love meat too much. After a year of being a vegetarian I was having a really hard time keeping it up (I kept hoping it would get easier to not want meat!) and decided to return to meat eating.
I’m really glad I did because I do love all types of meat. However, I now choose more ethical meat and order meat from US Wellness Meats or Greensbury Market. Before finding those two fine companies I would look for organic or free-range meats at Whole Foods or HEB but wasn’t always successful. I’m glad there is more of a movement towards grassfed and organic now so it’s becoming easier to find humane sources of meat.
Wonderful questions! I can’t wait to hear the answers either 🙂
Loved meat. Gave it up for environmental, spiritual, ethical, and social justice reasons. I was also highly inspired and influenced by a relationship at the time and wondered if it would keep up after it ended – and it did. I view a vegetarian lifestyle not as meatless, but as a new way of discovering food. It lessens my risk of heart disease, cancer, high cholesterol, etc, and that makes me happy. I eat fish on occasion – due to my Norwegian cultural roots – but maintain a private plant-based diet that my body can easily digest. As an athlete, I realize there are many other athletes (much more professional than I) that live off a vegetarian/vegan diet for simple health reasons, which I found interesting when I switched lifestyles. I’ve also become more aware of what I eat – instead of just downing everything in sight. I believe each person makes her own choice, and I try to avoid being militant in my decisions. So, if you decided to be meat-free for Lent – best of luck. If not, I hope you grow spiritually in some other way. Love!
I became vegetarian because I dislike meat, didn’t digest is easily, and for health reasons. I find I eat more protein since I went vegetarian as I ensure I get enough daily. That Greek pizza looks amazing – my favourite type!
You know I’ll eat meat if someone fixes it for me, but for the most part I just don’t ever really crave it. Most of the time if I crave a “meat” its usually salmon, tilapia, Mahi Mahi, or shrimp. There are a lot of health issues that I’ve studied recently about all the hormones that go into meats, and even if it is organic meat still isn’t the BEST option….these days its hard to tell what’s TRULY the best way to go because people find ways around everything…but thats just my take on it all! I think the veggie thing would be a great challenge for you! I hope you take it on! I know the times that I’ve declared myself “vegetarian” its easy the first few weeks then I would have a hard hard hard day and all I’d want is peperonni pizza or something and I’d order it….then that screws up being a vegetarian lol
I am really wanting some pizza now! Okay, so I won’t lie, I love red meat sometimes too. I try to find free range/local/grass-fed as often as I can. I think it can definitely be a good part of a healthy diet. I don’t plan on ever giving up any form of meat. I think the animal protein and fat is something that my body really needs. Maybe not everyone needs these things, but I think I do. Also, I love how versatile meats are! You can do anything from grilled to pasta to stir-frys or fajitas or salads. It’s pretty awesome.
I eat meat but only fish/seafood and chicken. I decided to do that for health reasons but it also evolved into how in-humane the meat/animal industry is. I do still eat dairy and eggs though, I need my yogurt and cheese!!!
The pizza looks great!!