Good morning everyone! SOOOOOOOO yesterday we left work early and 2.5 hours later, we got home. We work about 15 miles from our house. You do the math. This was my view the whole ride home…oh, except for when it started snowing harder:
Not much of a view, right? I’m amazed that we can even see our neighbor’s house right now, especially since it’s still coming down! Also, last night the power went out 3 or 4 times. It was kind of scary, and I was REALLY thankful that the last time it came on it stayed on. That definitely made me realize how thankful I am for electricity! For dinner I made hashbrown casserole:
I used cream of mushroom soup instead of chicken, about 1/4 of the cheese, 2 Tbsp of butter, and whole-grain Chex crumbled up on top. I also cut the recipe in half since Nate and I don’t need to eat that much or have that many leftovers! I had about a 3/4 cup serving:
And then threw together a simple salad of spinach and carrots with Vidalia Onion dressing:
I also had some roasted cauliflower and broccoli that I forgot to take a picture of. The broccoli was amazing as always, but the cauliflower? Not so much. I had about a cup overall of that goodness! And then I made dessert:
A coffee mug of Angela’s Fudgsicle Soft Serve with cherries. YUM! Nate said it was extra banana-y, but it was still yummy 🙂 The rest of the night we settled in by the fire and downstairs in front of the TV. I had big plans to start laundry and stuff, but with the power going out I decided to wait til later. We had to cancel our community group since it was definitely NOT a good idea to get back out on the roads! So that amazing dinner? It’s going to just have to happen later this week!
Since we’re snowed in (for a little bit at least) we slept til 7 and are hoping to go in to work a little later this morning. I’m going to do this yoga DVD first though!
It’s not the best, but I really enjoy it. Plus, it gives me a chance to move through a lot of my favorite poses! I’m also going to do Day 2 of the 100-PushUp Challenge. I PROMISE I’m going to get my workout tab up and running soon! I am finding the motivation to work out, but NOT the motivation to post it on a special page. Weird, right?! I did do a pretty good leg workout last night:
- deadlifts (30 lbs, 3 sets of 20 reps)
- squats (20 pound bar, 3 sets of 30 reps)
- calf raises (body weight, 4 sets of 25 reps on stairs)
- standing weighted lunges (20 lbs, 3 sets of 20 reps per side)
- standing bent rows (not legs, obvi – 15 lbs, 3 sets of 20 reps per side)
I know that’s a lot of reps, but I plan on changing it up and doing heavy lifting for strength some days and then working on muscular endurance others. Like I said, once I get the workout page up and running you guys should be able to see what I do and why I do it!
What’s your absolute favorite workout for strength training and your favorite for cardio training? What’s your motivation (i.e. racing, health, look, etc)? When I wasn’t running to strictly burn calories, I really loved doing that. Now that I don’t really run anymore, walking and hiking are my favorites! If I could afford a gym membership (or a road bike with all the gear), I would say that I love spin classes or cycling as well 🙂 I am definitely not a racer, but I would say that my motivation is a combo of just being healthy and trying to be toned, strong, and not jiggly! 🙂
**Make sure you check out this incredible giveaway from Healthy-Delicious!**
I have a love/hate relationship with running for my favorite cardio. It’s really hard for me, but I find it challenges me and keeps me in shape like no other. As far as lifting, my favorite muscles to work are my shoulder muscles. They define up quickly and make your arms looks great!
oh wow that is some snow!!
I love both hash brown casserole AND that sweet vidalia onion dressing.
Glad you got home safely–it was a tough drive!
Wow that is some crazy weather. at least you have some tasty treats and workouts to keep you occupied!
Yeah, that weather was pretty crazy yesterday
I have that firm yoga dvd– I’m with you– it’s just okay. Not the worst, not the best.
Girl, be careful in all that snow!!!
I can’t believe you guys got that much snow… I am ready for the hot humid summer.
I love doing full body workouts for strength training and pushing myself to lift as much as possible. 🙂 For cardio, either spinning or kickboxing would be my favorite.
And ack on the snow!!! I could sooo not handle that right now.
Yikes, that’s a lot of snow 🙁
I like to run for cardio but I love Pilates the most, haven’t found a class I really like here though.
I’m so sorry you got snow! It’s 70 degrees here and I just got back from a lunchtime run. It was wonderful! Favorite cardio is running and favorite strength exercise is squats.
Your dinner sounds so yummy and comforting, perfect for a night like that! I can hardly imagine. We are having spring-like weather here in SC today.
Favorite cardio – running, but I’m looking forward to trying classes at my local gym and swimming and biking
Oh, that snow. Sending you some Florida sun!
Fav strength training exercise: tie between step-ups and renegade rows. I feel like I have to really push myself with these.
Fav cardio: spinning!
OMG that is crazy to think that some parts of the world are HOT sunny and 90 degrees and then other parts have snow like that! I hope you got home safe!
I hope the snow doesn’t come back to the Northeast where I am!
My favorite form of cardio is running intervals.
I would totally die if that was what it looked like outside right now! You are a trooper. I am such a baby when it gets cold and considering that I live in Texas and it never really gets THAT cold…you can tell what kind of a baby I really am!! haha! Stay warm!
Anything Owl City for cardio, and my favorite way to strength train is circuit training 🙂 Love ya! that casserole looks good!
I would need to be put on medication if we got that much snow…. especially now! I feel for you!
My favorite strength training exercise is body pump 🙂
I would die if we got that much snow right now! Holy cow! My favorite strength workout is usually a circuit of bodyweight exercises – like lunges, pushups, etc.
Oh my goodness! I am sorry about all of the bad weather!! The hashbrown casserole looks absolutely amazing though 🙂