What is it with Tuesdays being incredibly slow? Today just drug on and oooooon and oooooooooooon! It’s not very often that you beg for something to do, but today was one of those days!
I did, however, make a very important discovery today: there is a Great Harvest practially down the street from where I work! Looks like I’ll be investing some time and money there in the near future. How did I discover this you ask? Well, I found a cup of cookies in the office kitchen today!
“Domed Good Cookies.” I like a company with a sense of humor! I also like a company that makes good cookies 🙂
Lunch today was pretty snacky. That’s what being bored tends to do to me: makes me want to snack all.day.long. It all started with a clementine.
Or two. OK, fine, three. Then a mug of pasta (it was about 1/4 cup of cooked penne) with leftover roasted broccoli and cauliflower:
The sauce is a little marinara with a Luaghing Cow cheese melted in. I made that as the side for Nate’s dinner last night, and there was just a tiny bit left! I LOVE roasted broccoli, so this was amazing. Then I finished up with a MorningStar Veggie Lover’s Patty on a sandwich thin with mustard and cheddar cheese.
I know I’ve mentioned it before, but I really love mustard. It’s probably one of my favorite condiments because it’s so flavorful and versatile! After the sandwich I started to feel veeeeeeeeeeeery snacky. Almost uncontrollable. So I started chugging water, hoping it was just thirst. But I still had the urge to eat! Finally, as a last resort, I went to the vending machine. Enter….the chemical-laden Vanilla Coke Zero!!!
Y’all, this saved the day. I think I was just wanting something with flavor to keep me busy, and this did just that. PLUS I can’t drink it too fast or else the carbonation will hurt my stomach. Winner winner, chicken dinner! The Coke plus water really helped fill me up and satisfy my desire to eat. The rest of the afternoon was spent doing actual work and petting on my babies:
LOVE them 🙂 Tonight we’ve got our community group, and we’re in charge of dinner. Menu = BREAKFAST FOR DINNER!!! Eggs, bacon, sausage (swoon), hashbrown casserole, and cinnamon roll French toast. Come on, you know you’re jealous 😉
When you get snacky, what do you do to tame the craving to eat? Any foods/drinks that work to stave off overeating? Or do you just snack and then compensate later? I can normally drink some water and be OK, but there are times like today where that just doesn’t work, and ignoring it just isn’t an option. Those times I just go with the flow and then “compensate” later, meaning I will have a smaller portion of food for dinner. In this case, it was easy to recognize that my boredom was the issue, so I just needed something to fill the time. I love diet drinks, but try not to make them part of my normal routine!
Just found your blog through EatLiveRun, and am really enjoying it! Keep it up!
You know, gum is actually a bad thing to ‘snack’ on as it can make you feel worse: when you chew, it sends messages to your stomack to start getting ready to receive food. When that food doesn’t come, and your stomach is disappointed, it can be even gurglier and hungrier than before!
A great snack is a few whole almonds (5-10). You get the protein, the good fats, and a crunch that makes you feel like you’ve eaten! Eat those almonds, wait 20mins: no more snack cravings!!
Edinburgh, UK
Coke zeros make me happy! We used to buy a case and chug them all in like a week. Don’t do that anymore, but I still indulge a few times a week.
Gum usually does the trick for me. I have a major sweet tooth, so sometimes a small piece of chocolate is necessary.
I do the same thing with Diet Soda sometimes. It keeps me from eating but I agree not the best solution.
I like to snack on celery or carrots, those two always satisfy not the actual craving but the hunger, and once the hunger is gone the craving usually goes with it 🙂
If I’m feeling snacky, I just give in, and I usually don’t worry about compensating later (unless I snacked so much that I’m not even hungry for supper. ;)). But really, it doesn’t happen every day, so I just give in and move on.
Usually I eat when I am snacky because it normally happens when I am actually hungry. But those times it just pops up, water or gum will help me. And if that doesn’t work I go for soda too. The carbonation makes me feel full after only a few sips so I don’t want to eat.
I usually drink water or tea if I am feeling like a snack, if it persists then I try and opt for a healthy option like a fruit or veggies.
Feeling the urge to snack when bored is a trouble zone for me, I find that hot tea works really well as does just getting up and talking a quick walk or going to have a nice chat with a co-worker. At home, it is harder to fight the urge so I just try to keep myself busy.
i always crave late night snacks but i only ever have a small bowl of cereal, so it satisfies my cravings but isnt very calorific! xx
i def love gum to help me stop snacking when i need to! its a life saver!
ahhh sometimes we need some chemical filled diet soda in our lives!
Diet soda (my biggest weakness!) and gum always do the trick when water or hot tea fail me
I’m so thankful someone else had trouble with snacking this afternoon! Today was crazy… I couldn’t get full!
I had no idea that there was a Vanilla Coke Zero! I am so glad you posted that picture. I have to find that asap. Your cookie looks really good too.
I think it’s generally okay to snack, but I know some days, you feel almost insatiable. To help cure this, I either drink water or chew gum. I know the gum thing is overkill at this point, but it does work!
Oh my goodness, today did drag on so slow! I thought class would never end. Usually I drink water as well and am fine. If not then I will find some fruit!
Mm that cookie looks good 🙂 If I’m feeling snacky I usually just go with it! If it’s out of control though, I have a snack, and then if I want more after that, I try to make sure it’s something that will fill me up- protein, etc. to try to keep more snack cravings at bay.
I’m a Coke Zero gal too 🙂
I’ll have 2 or 3 diet sodas per week 🙂
I still drink diet soda too…usually I’ll have two or three diet seven ups a week. I just love them! I can’t give them up!
I find that tea helps!