As promised, the blackberry sauce has arrived!
It’s funny how my brain works these days: I’m in constant use-anything-and-everything-we-have-on-hand mode. Perhaps it’s the cost of diapers? Or baby wipes? Or seeing the RIDICULOUS hospital bill (I will never go into things like finance or politics on the blog, but OMG. That’s all I have to say about that bill). Or, since I made this sauce pre-Weston, it’s possible that I was just in the height of nesting mode.
Either way, I had a bag of blackberries in the freezer, a cheesecake that needed some extra love and color, and an appetite that only a 9-months pregnant woman can boast about. The weird part about this to me is that I actually had blackberries in the freezer. Funny because I actually don’t like them at all – the flavor’s awesome, but the seeds drive me nuts! Same with raspberries…but again, I had them. And I used them.
This sauce would be great strained if you don’t like the seeds and perfect on oatmeal, ice cream, or yogurt. Obviously we know cheesecake is in the mix too! And the best part is that it takes almost zero time to bring together with minimal ingredients. That can all be found in your kitchen. Winning!
- 1 bag frozen blackberries (I believe mine was a 12-oz bag)
- 1/3 cup sugar
- 2 Tbsp cornstarch
- 3 Tbsp fruit juice OR water (I used lime juice – it’s what I had on hand)
Pour the frozen berries (or fresh if you have them) into a small saucepan and cover with sugar, then stir to coat the berries with sugar (this also helps break up the berries and release some of the juices). Bring to a simmer over medium-low heat and cook for about 2-3 minutes until the sugar is absorbed. Meanwhile stir together the cornstarch and juice/water. Once the sugar is dissolved, remove from heat and gently stir in the cornstarch mixture. Put back on the heat for an addition 30-60 seconds until it’s as thick as you want it. Let cool before serving!
Hey Thanks!
I made a 8 pound Prime Rib roast for Christmas dinner which was a challenge but a worthy challenge, it worked out great, 6 hours in the stove and a 3 hour delay, 100 miles away and then 20 minutes in a 500 degree oven. It worked out great. I needed a killer dessert to compliment this dinner. My daughter makes an incredible cheese cake and I had about a pound of homegrown blackberries from our own bushes from this summer. So I made the sauce you suggested with our blackberries. WOW it was so great and made it just a bit different with a little orange juice but it was incredible. Thanks for putting this up. We all agreed it was one of the very best dinners finished off with this sauce. Thank you again and Merry Christmas!
Steve, I’m so sorry I’m just now seeing your comment, but THANK YOU! I’m so glad you loved it and hope you had a merry Christmas and very happy New Year!
I made this last night & it was sooooo easy! Better, it is just the right mix of tart with a touch of sweetness. Thank you!
Yay! I’m so glad you liked it – such a perfect time for all things blackberry!
loved this recipe! Had to change it up and use other sweetener than sugar (type II). I really enjoyed that it was so simple. I use over ice cream and yogurt
I’m so glad you like it Kim! What did you use? And what quantities? I’m always for cutting out sugar if it’s not needed!
Hi heather does this sauce taste like the one u get from the supermarket for cheesecake ? Thank you!
Hey Tamara! I’d say it tastes even better 😉
Made this as a topping for a cheesecake with whole fresh strawberries on top of it. This filled in around the berries and made the strawberries into a layer all of their own. My friends are still raving about it 4 months later!
Great recipe!
~L Cat
Oh, I LOVE the idea of using strawberries! I’m so glad you and your friends liked it – I think I’ll be making your version soon!
So happy to find this recipe this morning!
Made some Baked French Toast & this will be delish with it!
Thank you for sharing!
It was simple to make and tastes amazing.
I’m so glad you like it Lorrin! Baked French toast sounds pretty fabulous right now 😉
Hi Heather,
I was just wondering if you would serve this sauce with game, say buffalo, wild boar or venison?
Maybe adding some brandy or vodka would make it less dessert-like and more fitting for meat?
Actually that sounds really good! I would maybe reduce the amount of sugar to 2.5 Tbsp (or use honey) and add some thyme or basil to bring out a more savory side!
Oh Heather, I understand with the hospital bills. We had our first little girl in February (been loving the baby stories on here btw, can TOTALLY relate) and I cry a little every time I see a bill in the mail or look at our bank account! I knew to be prepared for owing the big bucks, but never THAT amount! Geez, highway robbery! 🙂
I’m all about blackberries, always have a bag in the freezer!
The hospital bills from having a baby are killer, and I didn’t even have a c-section! I can only imagine what your bill is with surgery and several days in the hospital.
This sauce? Is it bad that I could just eat it with a spoon? 😉
Love this!!! I’d want it with a BIG slice of cheesecake 😀
This sounds fabulous! It could go with anything 🙂
I love a homemade fruit topping. Looks amazing!
I love making sauces like this and pouring them over ice cream. Mmmm. Of course, if I had a cheesecake that would win every single time. We were shocked with our first son’s bill too. The second time around we knew what to “buy” and what to bring. Crazy stuff!
winning indeed. I love simple sauces like this – now all I need is that cheesecake…