Don’t forget to check out the contest for F-R-E-E Greek yogurt!
Hey guys! Happy Monday afternoon to all of you 🙂 Sad as it is to admit, lunch today was rather bo-ring and had NO COLOR whatsoever. Behold the veggie burger-sandwich thin combo of old:
And the dry, flavorless (unless served with hummus!) Kashi Heart to Heart crackers:
They really weren’t my favorite and I kept getting wheat shreds stuck in my throat. HACK!
The rest of the afternoon was spent trying to keep my dogs quiet…with this great weather all anyone wants to do is go outside and play! I tried to get action shots of both, but the only one that came out was this one of Bunker:
During lunch I went for my run/walk, and I did it again pain free! I did the walk 3 minutes/run 2 minutes combo for 30 minutes, then switched it up to walk 2 minutes/run 3 minutes on the way back, then ran the last mile. I did the mile in 20 seconds less than I did the other day! WOOHOO! I’m turning into a running (NOT racing) machine again! My prayer (and it truly is a prayer) is that I can continue to build up my strength and eventually be able to run for extended periods of time when I want to. I’m never going to do it again as a way to just burn calories!
When I got back I was so excited that Nate had stopped at Whole Foods and picked up some fruit! I selected a nectarine from the bag:
BUT before I had a chance to bite into Nate came over and said his was bad. We checked mine and it was definitely not in good shape either. Oh well, so it goes. We might try to go get our money back from Whole Foods, but I just don’t know if we have the energy to do it!
Dinner tonight is going to be some sort of roasted corn and black bean chowder with cheesy crazy crust bread (recipe to come!). Then methinks I should hit up the grocery store because we are severely lacking in the fruits and veggies department!
I’m going to go with one of Kelly’s questions tonight: What’s your most embarrassing story? Mine involves de-pantsing a complete stranger (yes you read that correctly, email me if you need details!), falling off of my bike on the busiest street in my college town (I have scars on my toes – yes, my toes – to prove it!), and getting pooped on by a bird in Mexico. I promise I’m normal 😉
i cant wait to hear about the soup!
Woohoo! Glad you had a good run!
Cute doggy pic. =)
Good for you for running again! Bird poop is supposed to be good luck!!
Congrats on the pain-free run!! Our dogs have total spring fever too 🙂
Haha! Even without all the details your embarrassing moments sound quite eventful and hilarious. 😀
Congrats on running in a way that feels good for you!
Congrats on your running! That’s so exciting! 🙂
I am a total klutz, one of the least graceful people you’ll ever meet. So I have plenty of embarrassing stories about tripping and falling. 😉
Just wanted to say I love your new ‘profile’ pic : )
Mine involves a surprise party in college, too much alcohol, extremely horrible hangover, and puking in a trashcan just outside of a classroom door. Horrified doesn’t even begin to describe it…
Were you trying to de-pants someone you know?
Probably my worst one was on a plane. In college, our music department went on tour/mission trip to Spain. As we were traveling parts of 2 days, I brought an extra change of clothes and stuff to freshen up. I was in the bathroom between sets of clothes trying to wash up and the door swung open and my voice teacher/professor was standing outside as well as some fellow students, but they weren’t facing my direction.
I enjoy reading your blog but never get around to commenting. Sounds like things are going well for you and Nate, I’m glad.
Haha, yes I was TRYING to pants someone I know…and was quite unsuccessful at that. OOPS!
hahaha embarrassing moments? Where do I start? Prob this year when I fell down the stairs at the athlete kickoff thing and all the athletes at UNT saw me fall….yep that was a classic.
YAY for running!
I´m so happy for you, girl!
Gotta love the snack-y vibe 🙂
Have a great week!
Brazilian XOXO´s,
veggie burgers are always a good choice! And I am so jealous of your adorable dog! The apartment I live in has a pretty strict “no pets” rule and despite me begging a few times (yes, begging! hehehe) they keep saying no! I can’t wait until I eventually own a home and can have a dog-there is just something really special about having one around!
wow yay!! i am so happy for you!
hahah embarrasing moments.. ive had MORE than enough!
love your eats girlfrand!
So happy for you that you’re running again :). I’m so easily embarrassed this is always a tough question.. I’ll think about it.
I am so happy for you, Heather! I know how much running pain free means to you and literally I couldn’t smile any harder for you!! 🙂 And I love your embarrasing moment! Definitely made me laugh and I need some laughs right now!! 🙂