I purposefully started yesterday’s post on resolutions with the easiest thing in the world (for me anyway) – trying to get healthy. I think it’s so easy to take information that is so matter-of-fact and apply it to see results. Eat smarter, make healthier choices, exercise, and (for me anyway) the weight comes off. Easy peasy.
Well, easy compared to one of my top goals: becoming a better mother. We just opened the door to the hardest thing in the world!
See, being a mother in the sense of just loving my kids is easy. I love them unconditionally, forever, for always. They are two of the most precious gifts, and I would do anything for them. However, past the baby stage the whole parenting thing starts getting harder and harder (DUH) and no matter how much I read or talk to other moms it just is still so daunting.
I set out to write this post in a completely different light, but yesterday two sweet friends experienced unimaginable loss which made me rethink my parenting goals. I still want to intentionally make disciples, I still want to potty train the younger one, I still want to read to them more/feed them better/decrease screen time/etc. But what I want more than anything in the world is to let them know that they are loved beyond belief by their parents – and even more loved by God.
It means saying no to more so I can say yes to the ones that matter. It means being patient when all I really want to do is throw a fit myself. It means inviting them into things – chores, work, service, all of it – and shoving my Type-A personality to the side so that the ones who matter most can learn. It means remembering what the calling of motherhood entails and acting on that.
I think the biggest goal of all with motherhood, though, in light of everything is this: PRAYER. Praying constantly for, with and about my children, allowing God to lead me, and showering them with love. And that, I know, will make all the difference.
Heather, you do this and you will do fine. Prayer is the key to everything but especially motherhood.