If anyone ever asks how I’m doing these days my answer is usually either that I’m tired or busy. Or both. Being a work-at-home mom will do that to you I suppose, although if I wasn’t working from home I’m sure I would still be both tired and busy. Because let’s be honest y’all – being a mom is challenging enough without having to worry about eating well too.
But it’s still there though – that need to eat well for every reason under the sun. We want to fuel our bodies and our children’s bodies well, we want to set a good example, we want to lose weight or gain strength, we want to be as healthy as we can be so that we can take care of our people well.
In addition to wearing my Polar Loop 2 every day and logging more activity as often as possible, I’ve been working on snacking better as well. I’ve never considered myself a snack lover, but the way our afternoons work these days means that I usually go from noon to about 7pm without eating anything. This has left me ravenous at the end of a long day, but snacking well in the middle has helped enormously!
I try to stick to foods that have a good amount of protein and healthy fats, and try to stay away from carb-heavy foods whenever I can. I’ve found that if I have something carb-heavy then I have zero willpower to keep from overeating. These are some of the best snacks I’ve found lately that have a good mix of produce, protein, healthy fats, and just taste good too!
- Toasted almonds. I feel like this is so cliche, but toasted almonds are a really great snack for me. They have to be toasted, though, and not salted so that I can control the portions.
- 2% plain Greek yogurt + Minimalist Baker grain-free granola. I love this combo because it feels almost dessert-like without a ton of sugar. All the crunch, all the flavor, and it sticks with me for a long time too!
- Bulletproof coffee fat bombs. The name of these always makes me giggle, but they’re SO good paired with a handful of blueberries (OK fine and some regular coffee too)!
- Avocado toast. I know I’m so late to the party on this, but avocado toast is delicious and so versatile. I like using sprouted grain bread for nutrients, flavor, and crunch!
- Apples and peanut butter. An oldie but a goodie, and definitely one that’s easy to share with the kiddos too!
- Coconut sparkling water. This isn’t technically a snack but the yummy flavor makes me feel like I’m indulging when I’m just drinking water. YUM!
I’ve found that when I work hard to eat better-for-me snacks AND get in more activity with my Polar Loop 2 it makes a difference in more than just my pants size. It helps me to be a better mom, a better wife, and a more energetic and creative entrepreneur.
You guys can still get 20% Polar products using the code POLARFITBLOG (it IS case sensitive) on their website, and I can’t tell you what a great deal that is! Y’all enjoy!
This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of Polar.
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